Ch. 20 - Maybe

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After Zayn's question, Liam didn't exactly answered him, he just said that he's sleepy and will answer it tomorrow morning.

*The next morning*

Liam woke up the next day feeling warmth right next to him. He turned around and saw Zayn squished and very close to the edge of Liam's single bed but he just snuggled closer to Zayn. He was just getting comfortable and was about to fall back to sleep when someone burst into the room. "WAKE UPP, SLEEPYHEAD!!" It was Louis' loud voice. "Oh wait, you two have made up" Louis said, smile heard from his voice. "Yes, now shut up.." Liam said grumpily. He usually would've replied more politely but he's too tired to care considering that he barely get any sleep thinking about what Zayn had said the night before. And being woken up to Louis' loud voice isn't very pleasant as much as he loves him. "Right, sorry, I'll let you sleep in a little more" Louis whispered before he steps out of the room then talking - practically yelling- to the other boys. "Fucking Louis.." Zayn murmured. Liam chuckled, "Morning Zaynie, d'you sleep well?" Liam asked with a wide smile. "Morning, Beautiful" Zayn said then kissed Liam's forehead before stuffing his face in Liam's hair and closing his eyes. "I think I'll go" Liam said out of nowhere making Zayn super confused. "Where are you going?" Zayn asked face still puzzled. "I'll go with you to meet your parents" Liam explained and Zayn's mouth formed an O shape cause he completely forgot that he asked Liam about it. "Sure, yeah, we'll go in Chapter 21 and probably stay for dinner and we might sleep there as well since school's on a break, yeah?" Zayn explained the vague plan he had came up with a few days ago. "Sure" Was all Liam replied as he stuffed his face in Zayn's chest. "Wait.. how did Louis know we were arguing in the first place?" Liam asked because he's damn sure that Louis never shows that he knows and to be honest Liam doesn't expect Louis to know really. "I don't know.. maybe Niall told him?" Zayn replied but as much as he's confused, he doesn't think Niall would be the one behind this, especially after he'd promised not to. "Hm.. I guess we'll just have to get up and ask him" Liam said about to get up. "Nooo.. I don't want to get upp" Zayn whined as he tries to pull Liam back. "We have to get up sooner or later Zayn, c'monn" Liam said as he tries to pull Zayn upward and out of bed. "Fine.." Zayn sighs then let Liam pull him upward and into a sitting position.


They both then wall down the stairs and towards the kitchen where Harry seems to be making breakfast for the record of time and Niall and Louis seems to be in an arm fight and Niall's winning even though Louis isn't far from winning either. "Morning, idiots" Zayn greeted those three boys and Harry looked at him offended with a small pout on his face, but neither Louis nor Niall seemed to be bothered as the two were too engrossed in the arm fight. "Dumbass" Zayn muttered when no one greeted his 'good morning' back. "Isn't it too early for an arm fight?" Liam asked as Harry walks towards the table with a large plate with a mountain of pancakes. "It's never too early for a fight with these two" Harry said as he places down the plate in the middle of the table as everyone else sits around the table, except Niall and Louis who seems to be still surviving the arm fight. "Boys! boys! Time for breakfast" Harry called sternly in a motherly tone. "What the fuck, Harry? Don't use that tone with us, we're older than you" Louis said clearly annoyed cause he hates motherly tones (Cause that's the tone his mother only use when he's in trouble or sumthing) also because he was startled and lost to Niall. "And yet, I'm smarter than you" Harry said making Liam and Zayn look at each other as they chew the pancakes in their mouth because it's Harry, Harry the angel, but Niall just laughed out loud. "Fuck you, 'Arry" Louis said as he pick up 3 pieces of pancakes and put them in his plate before he puts maple syrup on it then he cuts a big piece before shoving it in his mouth. "Um.. you've already done it, Lou" Harry replied making everybody almost spit out their food except Liam who had already spat it out. "Harry!!" Liam shouted, clearly taken by surprise from what Harry had responded. "That's it, everybody shut up and we'll talk when we're at school to avoid this kind of weird ass of a convo" Zayn said and everybody just nodded in agreement. True to Zayn's words, neither of them talk during breakfast nor till the car arrive at their school.


Hey guys!! This chapter is a bit shorter than what I'd usually do since it's just a filler. Btw, as you all read the family meeting will be in the next chapter and there might or might not be a surprise that I'm planning. Oh, and I wanted to tell you that I've decided to do 25 chapters and there will be 4 bonus chapters (Cause 25/4,y'know, ziam marriage date) and an upcoming sequel. The bonus chapters will display the events that happen in between the timeline of the end of this book and the start of the sequel. Anygays, I hope that you liked the breakfast conversation ;)

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