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LILY WAS SAT in the Gryffindor Common Room, sitting upside down on one of the couches.
He legs were draped over the back of it, and she was looking at the fire, singing along to a song that was playing in the room.

She was wearing her dungarees, along with a blue jumper underneath, and her converse, while her hair was in two loose plaits at the side.

"Last Christmas, I gave you my heart, but the very next day, you gave it away.." She was tapping her hands on her legs, and moving her feet forwards and backwards.

"What on earth are you doing?" Said a voice from the side of the room, as she heard two pairs of footsteps coming towards her.

"Hello Ron, hello Harry." She said, smiling. "Find anything in the library?" She asked. Harry had been dragging them both to the library almost everyday, to try and find information about Nicholas Flammel.

"Not much..." Harry said, pouting.
"I really need to get into the Restricted Section, but I don't know how!" Harry sat beside Lily, although normally, while Ron sat on one of the armchairs.

"Well... I don't think the librarian would let us in.. so, we've lost all hope. Can we just drop it now?" Lily asked, smiling, as Ron nodded.

"No! This is important! Guys, we need to find out what that dog is guarding.. Snape's trying to steal it!" Harry reasoned, looking between the two.

"Right.. well, you two dwell on that, I'm going for a walk." Lily said, before grubbing the back of the sofa, and pulling herself up. She then picked up her hat, gloves, and jacket, before saying goodbye to the two.

She made her way through the corridors - thankfully without getting caught, and made it out to the grounds.

Once she had been walking for a few minutes, she stopped.
She took a deep breath, closing her eyes, before taking a short run forward.

In seconds, she was - somehow - in her wolf form.
She looked around, before starting to run around in circles, getting a hang of walking on four legs.

If she was in her.. Lily form, she'd be laughing like a child when their friend falls over.
She started to walk around, occasionally having to shake off some snow.

Lily found it fun.

Of course, she was scared incase it.. wasn't normal, but it was fun.
I mean, turning into a bloody wolf whenever you wanted? Who wouldn't want that?

She simply ran around, being her reckless self.
She was sure if anyone was to see a wolf rolling about in the freezing cold snow with their tongue out would think it was broken - or something..
But Lily quite enjoyed it.

Although, she was quite keen to learn more whatever she was.. where did she get this ability from.. or more or less, who?


It was Christmas Eve.
Lily had been spending most of her time in Ron and Harry's dorm - they were the only two there, and there was no one in her dorm, either.

Even if there was, it would just be her and Chloe, and she hated the girls guts.
She was whiny, rude, and down right ignorant.

The two had already almost had a full on fist-fight, luckily Hermione  and Lavender were there to separate the two.

It was no secret that Lily had a bit of a short temper, and Chloe just set her off.

It was the same as most nights.
Lily had been getting odd dreams, about things she had never seen before.
Except, she recognised the place that they were in, it was always a small, homely house, or Hogwarts.

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