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"WHAT THE F-" LILY POTTER STARTED, her eyes wide, staring at the mysterious creature on their bed. She cleared her throat, "Fudge?"

The Potter's stood frozen at the doorway, staring confusedly at the .. thing that simply stared at them happily, a bright smile on its rather large face, his tennis-ball sized eyes glistening in the low light.

Harry stepped forward, warily, although his sister still stood frozen in her place.
"Um.. hi?" He said questionably, edging closer to the happy creature.

"Oh, Harry and Lily Potter!" The creature exclaimed. "It is such an honour to meet you both - such an honour."

The two Potter's shared a look - before Lily stepped forward, a small (yet slightly forced) smile on her face.

"Uh .. who are you?" She asked, her brows furrowed, keeping her eyes on .. it.

"Oh!" The creature seemed to come to the realisation that it hadn't introduced itself, promptly holding out his rather oddly shaped, small hand. "Dobby, Miss! Dobby the house elf!"

Harry stepped forward, Dobby turning his attention to the emerald-eyed boy, who didn't look the happiest.

"Look - not to be rude, or anything," he started, his tone not exactly the nicest. "But this really isn't a good time for us to have a house elf in our bedroom."

"Harry!" Lily scolded her brother, lightly hitting his leg - which was the highest ad he could reach, considering she was crouching.

"Oh, yes - Dobby understands, sir," Dobby held his small hands up in defence, stuttering slightly. "It's just .. Dobby has come to tell you both — it is difficult, sir - Dobby wonders where to begin."

Lily lightly smiled at Dobby, before she spoke. "Here," she gestured to the bed, which he was currently stood on. "Why don't you sit down."

But, oh — when she saw the almost horrified look on the elf's face, she came to regret her decision entirely.

"Sit.. sit down?" He asked, his wide, teary eyes flickering between Lily and Harry - almost fearfully. "Sit down?"

It was then, that he completely and utterly burst into tears, covering his face with his oddly shaped hand, and turning away from the two.

Both Lily and Harry's eyes went wide, as they attempted to calm him down - although not exactly succeeding... at all.

Harry stepped in front of Lily, his eyes staring all over the room, in order to try and find something that might've calmed Dobby down.. but when he couldn't find anything, he decided to simply use his own voice.

"Dobby - she's sorry," he spoke, as Lily pressed her back against the door, in order to keep any of the Dursley's, or their guests, for that matter - from entering. "She didn't mean to offend you or anything."

Dobby turned back to the two, wiping his eyes with the extremely old, and worn out pillow case that he seemed to use as clothing.
"Offend Dobby?" He asked timidly. "Dobby had heard of you and your sister's greatness, sir. But never has he been asked to sit down by a wizard!" He paused, turning to the ground. "Like an equal."

"Well, you mustn't have met many great wizards, then." Lily stepped forward — once she was sure no-one had heard Dobby, a sincere smile upon her freckled face.

"No," Dobby spoke, smiling up at the girl. "I haven't," he paused - his eyes widening, as he turned to the ground. "That was an awful thing to say.." he muttered, before turning to the chest of drawers.

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