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If anything, it was becoming much worse than it already had been — and that was saying something.

Their uncle Vernon (Lily had resorted to calling him Vermin, although not to his face) had used a drill to screw literal metal bars over their metal window - which prevented Lily from being able to sneak out at night and go random walks (in her animagus form.)

He had spoke repeatedly, 'there's now way you two are going to that blasted magic school this year!' from outside their window, while Lily and Harry sat with their shoulders slumped on their bed — they had agreed he was a complete twat.

So, now - Harry Potter lay in his bed, his eyes trained on his sister (who was now a wolf), who was sound asleep. To be honest he was rather jealous of the way she could just fall asleep straight away at night — while he was forced by his stupid brain to stay up 'til all hours doing nothing.

Although, unbeknownst to him, Lily Potter was currently in what she liked to call 'the wonders of dreamland.'

The question is, what was she dreaming about?

"Moony," the boy with the circular glasses, and the untrained hair groaned, as he shifted his position in his bed to stare at his friend. Remus Lupin, otherwise known as 'Moony' was currently sat on the floor of his dorm room, staring down at the 'Marauders Map,' as he and his friends had named it.

He ignored his friends calls, biting into a piece of chocolate. "Remus, when is that bloody thing going to be finished!" James Potter huffed. "I'm growing impatient!"

"Shut up, James," Remus spoke calmly.

"No! You told me you would update me on the progress, you - you twat!" James exclaimed, pursing his lips.

"Shut your trap, James!" The two heard an angry voice from the bathroom, where Sirius Black was currently showering, the music of David Bowie accompanying him. "Let the boy work!"

James simply huffed, before lying on his back, his head hitting the pillow harshly. "At least give me an estimate of when you'll be done, Remus?"

"Any minute now," his friend spoke, causing his eyes to widen, as he sat up — again — staring at Remus in awe. "Just let me — done!"

With that last word, Remus dropped his wand, a bright smile gracing his tired face. He turned to James - who was smiling uncontrollably, his eyes joyful.

"Oi, Sirius!" James called, just as their dorm door opened once more — it was Peter Pettigrew.

Peter had been in a detention with their History of Magic teacher, Mr Binns, after accidentally setting his book alight during class.

"Wormy, look!" James exclaimed, gesturing to the (now finished) map, just as Sirius exited the bathroom, smiling brightly. "It's done! We — he's done it again!"

"I- it's finished?" Peter asked, furrowing his brows. "Already?"

"Yup! All thanks to our dear Moony over here!" James continued, before he sprang off of his bed, grabbing the map — and holding it out in front of him, just as his three best-friends move to stand around him.

"Lads, we've done it again." James spoke, looking between his friends, the four smiling brightly.

It was just as Sirius began to speak, that James noticed a rather familiar name moving slowly around the unique piece of parchment.

Lily Evans.

"Holy shit!" He exclaimed, quickly slamming the map into Peter's chest, and dashing out of the room. "Evans is here!"

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