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IT HAD TAKEN JUST OVER THREE HOURS TO DRIVE/FLY to Ron's house — the burrow — and at some point along the way, Lily managed to fall asleep.

Although, once she had finally woken up (it had taken Fred and George over five minutes to do so, and since then they had called her 'Lazy Lily' multiple times), she was much happier than usual. Over the time spent at 'home,' Lily had been having more and more strange dreams, causing her sleep-schedule to practically becoming non-existent.

So, Harry was quite happy for his sister, and so was she. Although, the constant flirty comments from Tommy deflated her mood slightly, but she knew deep down that he didn't mean any harm, so therefore she just told him to 'shove off' and left it at that.

As soon as they exited the car (Ron had mentioned that it was in fact a gift from the ministry to his father, as he worked there), Lily and Harry's jaws positively dropped.

The home of the Weasley's was nothing if not absolutely wonderful. The scenery was gorgeous, they could see for miles, not a building in sight — it was so peaceful... it was so much better than Little Whinging.

And, don't even get them started on the house.
Even from the outside they could tell it was just so homely and welcoming — from the multiple flowers and plants that littered the front and back garden, to the colourful curtains that were visible from behind the windows.

Lily only turned away momentarily when she felt a presence behind her, along with a skinny arm being draped over her sharp shoulders.

"'Stunning, isn't it?" She heard Tommy's voice, turning around to meet his eyes, to find that he had already been looking at her. "Of course, so is someone else I know of."

Lily couldn't help the small smile that came over her face at his comment — she would be lying if she said she hadn't missed him a bit over the summer. Just a little bit.

"Shut up, dork," she spoke as she turned away. However, she came to find that the others had been listening intently to their small conversation, standing with raised brows, Harry's hands situated on his hips, glaring at Tommy.

"Well, Lovebirds?" George asked, a smirk evident on his face. "Are you coming or not?"


THE INSIDE OF THE BURROW WAS EVEN BETTER, if that was at all possible.

Harry found that it was so cluttered, and full of things — but yet, that just made it so much better.
As they made their way into the house, soon after Fred, George, Ron and Tommy helped sneak them in (Tommy just couldn't miss the chance to 'coincidentally' catch Lily before she fell), Harry noticed that the small clock on the wall seemed to move.

He came to the conclusion that this was no ordinary clock. There were multiple handles on it, each with the (moving) face of each of the Weasley's.
As they stepped in, the heads of the twins and Ron moved to a label that read 'home.' It was among others such as 'work, school, and even prison.'

A voice distracted him, it happened to be the voice of his best friend. "It's not much," said Ron, taking a rather large bite out of a bun, causing Lily to almost gag, immediately moving over to the twins and Tommy. "But it's home."

Harry smiled brightly. "I think it's just brilliant."

The six had somehow ended up standing in the same area of the sitting room, gazing around in a comfortable silence, Tommy's gaze focused solely on Lily.

A loud, booming voice interrupted their silence, along with heavy footsteps sounding towards them.

"Where have you been?!" Molly Weasley cried, as she practically ran into the sitting room, her face slightly resembling a tomato.
Lily almost snorted, but immediately looked up when she heard her name.

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