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"I CAN'T BELIEVE I DIDN'T REALISE BEFORE! Oh, how could I be so stupid!" Hermione said to herself, as she walked to the table that Lily, Harry and Ron were sitting at.
The students that went home had now come back to Hogwarts, and all was normal once more.

She slammed an extremely large, brown book on the table, earning some stares from the other students.
"I was reading this earlier in the year, for a bit of light reading." She said, flicking through the pages.

"This is light?" Ron asked, surprised.
If looks could kill, Ron would definitely be six feet under at this very moment, by the glare that Hermione had sent him, while Lily giggled slightly.

She opened the book to a page, before a satisfied look came to her face.
"Of course! Here it is!" The three other first years looked at her in confusion, as she put her finger to the text, which Lily thought was rather fancy.

"Nicholas Flammel is the only known maker of the Philosopher's Stone!"

"The what?" Lily, Harry and Ron asked in unison. Hermione stared at the three with an unamused look.
"Honestly; don't you three read?"
"For your information, I do read! I'm terribly sorry that I don't read books that way three tons!" Lily exclaimed, earning a few giggles from the students around her, and a 'Shh!' From the librarian.

Hermione huffed, before continuing.
"The Philosopher's Stone, is a legendary substance, with astonishing powers. It'll transform any metal into pure gold.
And produce the elixir of life, which will make the drinker immortal."

"Immortal?" Ron questioned.

"It means you'll never die."

"I know what it means!"


"The only Stone, currently in existence," Hermione continued. "Belongs to mister Nicholas Flammel, the noted Alchemist.
Who, has recently celebrated his 665th birthday."

"Jeez, he's older than old Dumbledore.." said Lily, while Ron let out a soft snort.
"That's what Fluffy's guarding on the third floor! That's what's under the trap door. The Philosopher's Stone."


Lily, Ron, Hermione and Harry all ran as fast as their feet could take them down to Hagrid' hut.

Harry knocked on the large, wooden door three times, before it opened, just about enough for Hagrid to peak through it.

"Oh, sorry. But I'm in no fit state to entertain today."
"We know about the Philosopher's Stone!" The four first years exclaimed in unison.
"Oh.." He opened the door fully, to let the four children in.

They all walked in, noticing that Hagrid seemed to be slightly tense.
"Hagrid, we know Snape is trying trying to steal the stone, we just don't know why!" Harry exclaimed, while Hermione and Ron nodded, Hagrid and Lily huffed.

"Oh, you're not still on about him, are ya'?" Hagrid asked, standing in front of the four. "Exactly!" Lily exclaimed, as the other three first-years shot her a glare, and she glared back.

"Nonsense." Hagrid muttered, before continuing. "Professor Snape is one of the teachers protecting the stone! He's not abou' to steal it."

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