08 | Happy Tree Friends

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08 | Happy Tree Friends

Calum | POV

"Drink this, it's something to get rid of the pain." Dr. Chong says, handing me a bottle of pills. I shook my head. "I don't need it." I tell him. He sighs. "If you say so, master Calum." I then asked him to leave my room. 

When my father left last night, I called Michael and asked him to meet me in the club. Like always, I got wasted and got into a fight, some fucker stabbed me, Michael made sure he wasn't able to use his hands again. 

I carefully button my shirt and wore my uniform. There was a knock on my door and it slowly opens. "There's someone asking for you downstairs." The housemaid informs. "Who?" I raised my eyebrows at her. "It's a girl."

A girl. Not this early in the morning, Mia. The housemaid was about to leave but I stopped her. "Wait. Dark hair? White as a ghost? Annoying voice?" I asked her and she chuckles. "Dark hair, white as snow, and a lovely voice." She smiles genuinely and closes the door. "She insisted on waiting outside, she didn't want to enter the house without your permission."

I grunt and jogged down the stairs. I took a little peek from the window and to my horror, it really was Mia. I walked to the door and opened it. She turns around and smiles. "Calum, hi." She shyly smiles, causing me to raise my eyebrows at her. She was her usual pale self. "You have my address now?" I lean on the doorframe and crossed my arms over my chest. 

"Uh yea, sorry. I kinda asked Sophia." 

My eyebrows creased together as I stood straight. I can already feel my blood boiling. "You did what?" She looks at me, hesitation in her eyes. "I asked her where you lived.. I needed to—" 

"Get out!" I growled at her. I was furious. What was Sophia going to think?! That I've moved on?! That I will not wait for her?! That I'm seeing someone else?! "Listen, Cal, about yesterday, I'm sorry! I came here—" I cut her off again. 

"Leave before I hurt you." I warn her. She ignores and hands me the box she's been holding. "Peace offering. I was really moody yesterday, so I baked cookies for you as an apology." She smiles, handing me the box. "I'm also sorry for what I said about you and Sophia." She adds.

Without even thinking, I slammed my hand on the box, causing it to fall on the floor. The cookies were all over the ground. She stares, looking down on the ground. "You can shove those in your mouth." I tell her and she looks up at me with tears threatening to fall. "If you're done ruining my day, leave." I turn around and slam the door. 

I walked up the stairs, stopping midway to check if she has left. She put a hand over her mouth, her shoulders were moving, she was crying. She wipes her tears and breathed. She looks at the mess I made and I was taken aback. 

A pang of guilt hits me as I watched her pick up the cookies and put them back in the box. She wipes her cheeks and takes a breath, finally she walks away. I didn't notice that she brought a car. She drove a white Ford Explorer. 

She pulls out her phone, moments later her lips started moving. When she puts her phone down, she finally drives away. 


[two days later]

When I got to school, I went straight to the Creative Arts building. I walked over to the classroom, watching through the glass on the door. Sophia was there. 

I smiled. She had her hair down today, she was closing her eyes while her lips moved. That was how she memorized and ran through her lines. That's my Sophia. 

"Hey man." Luke smiles. We used to be in a band together when we were in high school. "Hey." I replied. "So close but so far away, huh." He says, nodding over to Sophia. "Why don't you just grab her hand and take her man, wouldn't kill ya. Wouldn't kill anyone." He shrugs. 

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