25 | Blue

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25 | Blue

"What's going on?" Camille wonders out loud as ambulances started to whiz through the university campus.

My head follows the direction of the ambulance. "It seems to be on it's way to the auditorium." Luke says.

Auditorium. My eyes widened. "Calum!" I exclaimed and ran towards the direction of the ambulances.

My security ran after me quickly. "Miss Anderson!" They called out.

If they catch me, they'd take me away. "Mia!" Luke calls out too.

I can hear them talking through their earpiece as I made a run for the auditorium.

Shit, I have to lose them. I thought. I know this school better than they do. This shit is slowing me down. I curse at the backpack, I quickly slid them off my shoulders and dropped them on the floor.

An idea struck to me as I see the huge tree where Michael and I hang out. I took a sharp turn through the library to confuse the security with the turns and aisles.

When I finally see the backdoor exit of the library, I bounced off and ran out heading to the tree.

They'd lose me in the aisles, that would buy me some time. I thought. As I ran, I quickly look back, they hadn't gone out the library.

When I reached the tree, without taking a breath, I climbed up as fast as I could and hid. I watched from above as they emerged from the back exit and looked for me. They started talking to each other and talking into their earpiece.

As soon as I was sure the coast was clear, I climbed down the tree branch after branch. "Ow, shit." I cursed as I accidentally slipped, the rough surface of the branch slightly cuts my skin open.

I huffed as I hopped down. I felt my phone vibrating as I started to walk towards the auditorium's back entrance.

Harry Styles is calling. Swipe to Answer.

"I'm not leaving until we find Calum." I quickly say through the phone. "We'll find him, but we have to get you to safety first." He says as calmly as possible, but I can hear that he was running and panting.

"I told you, I don't want people getting hurt on my behalf, I—"

I woke up in a trance. The black walls around me seemed to be doubling. I squeeze my eye shut and opened them again. I moved my wrists and feet, I wasn't held down or tied down, I was simply sitting down without restraint.

Across the room was a red door. I forced my nervous knees to cooperate as I stood up, walking towards it.

I held the cold door knob and twist it. I felt beads of cold sweat forming on the top of my forehead as the door clicks open.

When I pulled it, a boy with dusty white hair was standing right in front of me. He looked my age.

A smile creeped on his face as he let out a small chuckle. "Well aren't you a curious little bird?" He says, slowly walking towards me.

He was wearing a topcoat over his white shirt and black jeans.

He had two other men accompanying him, they both smelled like cigar, but he didn't smell anything near cigar at all. He smelled..okay.

"Where's Calum?" I asked. He tilted his head. The smile on his face doesn't seem threatening, but instead, it was an amused smile.

"You haven't seen him yet?" He laughs.

Now he's pissing me off.

His fingers wrapped around my upper arm with force. He walks in, dragging me with him and turning me around.

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