Chapter 1

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Heyyy😊 The first chapter is up! I'm so scared but okay...

P.S. In this story BTS uses IG live instead of V Live.

One more thing, some chapters will have songs attached to them, I recommend a listen as you read the chapter.



Life sure can be unpredictable.

"What can I get you?" The waitress' shrill voice woke Ivy from her reverie. She looked up at the waitress, noting her tired but slightly judgy expression, barely sure of her surroundings for a few seconds. The dark, dingy room looked unfamiliar, along with the lady's bright red apron over some puke-green overalls.

"What?" Ivy asked, like the fool she was. The waitress just sighed.

"You've been here for an hour and you're yet to order anything," she complained, hand on one hip, foot tapping incessantly.

God, my head hurts, Ivy thought.

"I'm sorry," she managed to whisper," Please get me a cup of tea and mandazi."

The waitress huffed but didn't reply, walking away clearly annoyed. Ivy didn't blame her. If a girl came to her place of work, wasted her time and ordered the cheapest item on the menu, she would not have been happy either. She didn't give a shit, though. In fact, Ivy was having a hard time caring about anything at the moment.

Why care? I'll be dead soon anyway.

Her phone vibrated on the table, startling her again.

bts_official is now live'

A smile bloomed on her face. It was what she'd fondly termed as 'the Bangtan effect'. Ivy could literally be balls deep in dog shit but once she saw her boys anywhere she felt automatically renewed. They were pure angels in her books; she dared anyone to say otherwise.

It was just too bad that not even BTS could've fixed her life this time.

She quickly joined the live, thanking whoever the fuck's in charge that she had some leftover data today. Hobi's bright smile was the first thing she saw as he probably fixed the camera, judging from his very close proximity to it. He finally straightened out, allowing her to view the magnificent Kim Namjoon on the couch behind him.

"ARMY, hi!" Namjoon shouted, waving at the camera like the adorable dork he is. Ivy waved back enthusiastically; as we already established, she was a fool.

Hoseok grinned really wide as he read the comments on the live. Ivy was a firm believer that that boy pooped rainbows because the dingy hotel actually brightened up somehow. " How are you guys today?"

She read the comments too, which are mostly purple hearts and marriage proposals. They made her chuckle. She suddenly remembered the days she used to be a delusional fan; you know, the kind that believed that BTS would magically appear at their door wielding a diamond ring and propose to them, a total stranger, because fate. She cringed slightly at the memory.

Ivy had always been somewhat of a silent follower in BTS' lives because one, she didn't speak a lick of Korean, and two, why bother the boys with her boring life? She'd rather just hear them talk and bask in their perfection. Today, however, was different. Today might be the last time she got to watch them.

Fuck it, we go out with a bang.

'I'm good, just waiting for my last meal then I go jump off a'. Her comment was wedged between several purple hearts and Ivy couldn't help but laugh at the theatrics of it all.

Luckily( or not), Hobi seemed to skim past her comment with no reaction. Namjoon got out of the frame for a few seconds then came back, all smiles and dimples, making Ivy's poor heart melt. A few ARMYs however took note and the next seven or eight comments were words of encouragement to her, and a few 'Fighting!' ones that would've made Ivy bawl like a kid in the sketchy ass hotel had she been a weaker bitch. Which she was not.

The live continued, with Namjoon and Hoseok talking about their upcoming album, goofing around and eating something that looked hella delicious. Ivy's meal looked all kinds of pathetic in comparison but hey, we can't all be millionaires, now can we? Jimin made a cameo, cue more purple hearts, and finally the live was over and so was her meal. After settling the bill, Ivy decided to take the scenic route around the Nairobi CBD, trying to take it all in one last time. Everything seemed brighter, livelier. It felt like a mockery. Here she was, ready to end her life, and now's when the universe decided to actually become appealing?

It didn't matter anyway. With no future, no plans, fuck, not even a place to stay or anything to her name, Ivy was helpless. Living just wasn't worth it if all she would do is suffer and starve. It gets to a point where one has to be brave enough to end something that just isn't working out.

Her phone vibrated in her pocket just as she arrived at the tallest building in the city. Ivy ignored it, thinking it might've been one of her followers or something irrelevant. At this point, wasn't it all irrelevant?

This is it. The end. Nothing will stop me. I'm ready to let go.

Her phone vibrated again. Ivy was just about to switch it off, but the notification caught her eye. Her heart dropped to her fucking feet.

'bts_official has sent you a message'

What. The. Actual. Fuck.

With the shakiest hands known to man, Ivy managed to unlock her phone and open Instagram. And right there, in her DM's, were two messages from the official BTS page.


Hi. It's Kim Namjoon ...I saw your comment on the live.

I hope I'm not too late. Can we talk?

Remember when Ivy said that nothing could stop her?

She might have been wrong.


Okay, so that was it😀 let me know what you think


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