Chapter 36

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Warm lips, feathery touches, soft sighs.

The two moved in tandem in dance as ancient as time. The girl whimpered on every thrust, the fullness almost exquisitely painful. He was slightly bigger than her previous lovers and it had been quite a while since she'd made love, but he was very gentle. Oh, so gentle and sweet. He kissed her, swallowing her moans as his own ecstasy reached a crescendo. Their hands intertwined, her walls clenching around his shaft, her back arching as she came hard, gushing all over him. He followed seconds later with a harsh groan, careful not to crush her under his dead weight.

"Wow, Seokjin," Ivy could only whisper, her body still trembling with the aftershocks. No matter how much she'd begged Jin for sex before, he'd always said no, right until the doctor gave the green light for light physical activity and sex the previous day. Jimin and Jungkook had volunteered to watch over Joonie for the night while Ivy was whisked away into a night of sensual indulgence that had been long overdue. Jin was no better, unable to catch his breath or wrap his mind on what just happened. Sure, he'd not had sex in almost six years but he didn't remember it being so powerful before. Or maybe it was the partner, his soulmate. There was no denying his heart belonged to her.

"Ivy, I want to marry you."

The girl just smiled." Jinnie, it's just sex. Amazing sex, yes, but not enough to prop-"

"No, I'm serious," Jin faced her, his face full of a determination that made her heart race." Marry me. We'll raise Minnie together, and get her lots of siblings. After my military service, I can retire from music and take over my father's company, and you could go back to school for your master's like you wanted. We could live anywhere you want, Minnie would never lack would be perfect."

Indeed it would be perfect. Ivy knew that there was no better man than Kim Seokjin. He would protect and love her with his whole being; what more did she want?

Yet Jin could sense her hesitation. She loved the other members too, and it was impossible to choose. To be honest, he understood her. It didn't make him angry or jealous; one can't control what their heart wants. It would've been unfair to give the girl an ultimatum or demand to be the only one because unless the choice came from her, he knew a part of her would always regret picking him over the others.

" Jin, I love you...I want to say yes, I really do, but what about Taehyung? Yoongi? Namjoon? I love them too, and right now with everything happening I haven't had time to sort out my feelings and at this point, I want all of you which isn't practical and-" Ivy's ramblings came to an abrupt end when her brain decided to just give up on her mid-sentence.

Jin placed a kiss on her forehead before pulling her to his chest. " Don't worry. I'll give you time to decide. In three months, I'll ask you again. If it is a no, or you are still undecided, I will graciously bow down and we will still be friends. No harm, no foul. I love you very much, remember that."

Of course he acted brave for her sake at the moment, but Jin was terrified to lose Ivy.


Joonie's cries woke her tired mother from her short nap.

Ivy wanted to just give up, crawl into a ball and just die. She realised just how much the guys helped in raising Joonie because now that she was alone in the house it wasn't going that well. The guys had all been given the weekend off and they had opted to visit their families who had a million questions about the recent drama surrounding the band. She'd gotten invites from nearly all of the members to accompany them but she declined them all, citing Joonie's young age as the reason against unnecessary travel. In reality, it was that plus the fact that she was not ready to meet the boys' families and have to explain just who she was to them or why she and her baby lived in a house full of men. It was bad enough that young Koreans hated her; it would be daunting to face off an older generation, especially ones that birthed the very men involved in the mess.

She had all but kicked the guys out when they suggested staying back to help her with the baby. She was her mother; wasn't it time she learnt how to take care of her child on her own? She now regretted that decision. It hadn't been five hours since the boys left and Joonie was driving her nuts.

"Baby, please stop crying," Ivy whined. Joonie didn't seem to care about her; she only got louder. Ivy grabbed her phone to call Seokjin back so he could handle his daughter but stopped herself. No, she got this. She didn't need Jin or Yoongi... Joonie was her daughter first, she would listen to her, right?


When it became clear that her cries wouldn't cease, Ivy finally caved and offered Joonie a titty, muttering under her breath. " Here, man, damn! That feeding schedule Namjoon got me on will never stick, I swear..."

As Joonie fed, Ivy dialled Jin's number. After the magical night they just had, she felt clingier than usual and just wanted to hear his voice. Except it wasn't his voice that greeted her.

"Sejin? Where's Jin?" Ivy asked, confused.

"Oh, Jin left his phone in the car and then went with his brother somewhere so I can't give it back to him," the manager explained, used to Seokjin's forgetful nature." Did you need anything? I'm coming back to help with the baby, I can bring you food."

Ivy smiled gratefully even though the kind-hearted employee couldn't see it. "Thank you, you're a lifesaver. Please get me some chicken wings and maybe fries; I didn't get to cook earlier. Also, Joonie is almost asleep which means I'll be out too so don't bother knocking when you get here."

Just as predicted, Ivy blacked out shortly after placing her baby in the crib, only to be awoken shortly by loud bangs on the door. Sejin must've been knocking for quite a while, she thought.

"I'm coming! I told you not to knock..." The words dried when Ivy opened the door and came face-to-face with a screaming woman holding a knife.


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