Chapter 27

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"What the fuck are you doing here?"

It had been only 24 hours yet Namjoon honestly wanted to give up on life. Whatever he'd been smoking to think having Angela in the same house with Seokjin again was a good idea should be banned because he was almost losing it and he still had six days left. His petty hyung had actually stood in the kitchen all night to make sure Angela couldn't get to the fridge-in his words, 'we don't feed criminals in this house'. Which in turn led to his girlfriend yelling his ear off about it, him complaining to Jin about it, Jin yelling at anyone who'd listen, and the perpetual headache that he feared may never leave at this rate.

And now, his day just got a whole lot worse.

"I heard you're letting just anyone live here, so I decided to come too," his problematic best friend stated airily, practically breezing into the apartment. Namjoon sighed, completely done with everything.

Did he say Seokjin and Angela was a bad combination? Frankie and Angela were way worse.

"Dude, I don't want any trouble with you and-"

"Oh shut up Namjoon, I'm not here for you or your little leech, okay?" Frankie cut him off, leaning against the couch, her dark eyes glaring at him," I'm here for Ivy."

Of course.

Namjoon rolled his eyes in irritation. It truly sucked that everyone saw him as a villain but pretty little Ivy had them all concerned and rooting for her. Maybe Angela really was right; Ivy was stealing his family away from him. Being jealous of the woman he not so secretly lusted over was a confusing emotion but then again Namjoon was full of those, and now seeing his best friend since elementary school jetting down just for her made his mood deteriorate even further.

Ivy's behaviour recently was very odd to him, though. She still refused to talk to him, yet was going out of her way to be as hospitable as possible to Angela. Like yesterday. Ivy made some delicious African beef stew for dinner and Namjoon had been ready to order him and Angela some food- he'd been so sure she'd pull a Jin- but she personally offered to serve them the food. It should've been a relief to him but it only made him paranoid as fuck. Was this a kill-em-with-kindness thing or was she actually planning to kill his girlfriend, because Namjoon knew Ivy wasn't one to bury hatchets that fast- case in point, he still was getting the silent treatment. Though to be fair, he hadn't apologised, but then again, neither had Angela.

"Ah, I see Joonie's lap dog's here," his girlfriend's voice rang from the other end of the room, causing him to turn around and view Angela's smirking face. Sometimes he really wondered if his girlfriend had a death wish.

"Ah, I see you're still an irrelevant no ass having bitch," Frankie matched her tone, watched her smirk drop and her face drop in outrage and smiled," Well, I'm gonna go see the person I came to guys go to hell or whatever."

She strutted out of the room without another glance, and Namjoon was once again left alone with his screaming girlfriend. The millionth sigh left his lips. Why can't everyone just get along?


"Thank you for coming," Ivy said, shooting a grateful smile at her friend who squeezed into her bed next to the six men already on it. She herself was partially on Yoongi, lying half-seated between his legs, with her feet being massaged by Jin. Hobi and Jimin were next to them in a similar position, and Taekook lay at the foot of the bed, bickering about space.

Frankie snuggled into Jungkook's chest, making him grumble about the tighter fit, and planted her bottom half on Jimin's lap. The boy eyed her feet in disgust but let them rest there, knowing better than to complain.

"Don't mention it, babe...I hate that bitch too. So, what's the plan?"

"Well, the first part will require Kookie's consent," Ivy began, making everyone turn to Jungkook who held a puzzled look on his face," Will you tell Mr Bang what she did to you? You don't have to if you're not ready. "

He gulped, getting a little anxious. He didn't know if he was ready for his boss to find out about the darkest point of his life, but freeing Namjoon from that woman's clutches was more important than his reservations. He nodded, making Ivy cup his cheek and offer him a brief smile.

"I promise you I'll make sure she pays for what she did to you," she whispered low enough for only him to hear. He smiled, leaning into her touch, thanking whoever the fuck's in charge that they met Ivy. She truly was their light.

"Okay, good, because we'll need him for my plans," she continued in a normal tone, smirking a little devilishly, her eyes blazing with determination. Yoongi had never been more in love.

Ivy then proceeded to outline her plans, since the activities she'd mapped out would be a little difficult to execute while pregnant so the boys and Frankie would have to do all the hard work. The next few minutes were filled with laughter, suggestions and arguments until finally, they knew exactly what to do.

"We have two main objectives: Get her away from Namjoon and get her arrested for her crime," Ivy stated, looking at her team, " But in between, we're going to have some fun."


A/N. This was a filler😐

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