Chapter 24

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Jin and Hoseok exchanged nervous glances over the quiet girl laid up on Jin's lap. After the mess of a dinner party they'd had and Ivy's broken request to leave, all the boys except Namjoon had quickly left after them, everyone worried about her. The leader had also stepped forward to leave, only to be stopped by a hard glare from Jungkook and the command to "fix this shit", so he'd been left to deal with his ex-girlfriend and the onlookers. Luckily for BTS, the hotel was known for maximum privacy and the patrons who frequented the place knew to keep certain matters off the public eye, so no word of the altercation would surface.

At least not yet.

Ivy had not said a word during the entire drive home. None of the boys' concerned questions yielded any answers from her. She simply laid there and stared at nothing in particular, lost in thought. Tonight she finally had a taste of the real world. Living with the boys was fun; no real problems, so peaceful and calm, like an ideal world that had made her lose sight of reality. Well, tonight it had hit her like a pile of bricks.

"Sweetheart, we're home," Jin's voice sounded so far away. She hadn't even noticed the car stop. She got up and finally looked at the six men around her.

All she saw was varying degrees of concern and love in their eyes. She never truly doubted their sincerity before, but after the stunt Namjoon had pulled earlier she couldn't help but be wary of the others. She could see now that there was no need for that, however.

They loved her just as much as she loved them.

Her hand rose to cup Jin's cheek and the other one took hold of Jungkook's hand, squeezing slightly.

"I'm sorry I made you worry, and I'm sorry I ruined the dinner. Let me make it up to you guys, we can have a mini party at home," she said with a new burst of energy that caught the boys a little off guard.

" You didn't ruin anything, don't apologize," Hobi spoke up, smiling softly at the girl who clearly was hurt but masked it well with a smile, "You must be tired...we could go and sleep, we don't need to celebrate anything tonight."

Ivy sighed, figuring he would say that. Being caring was one of Hobi's best qualities, but she didn't need that tonight.

"To be honest, I am tired. Not just physically, though. I've been insulted, discriminated and hurt but I don't want to think about it more than I already am. Let's forget about Namjoon and that bitch, at least for tonight, alright? I just want to hang out with my favourite people on my birthday and have a good time. Can we do that?"

The guys nodded. How could they say no to her?

"I love you guys," Ivy teared up, looking at the boys who stuck by her and feeling like the luckiest girl in the world. Despite all the bad things happening around her, at least she had them.


Namjoon, on the other hand, felt like shit.

He'd felt like shit since he was a kid. Growing up with a higher than average IQ only meant he was more observant than most people his age, which meant he could tell that his parents weren't very proud of him. Yes, he was a good student but his looks were nothing to write home about, and his infernal clumsiness was just an added burden to the couple who hadn't even wanted a child in the first place. Him choosing to become a rapper was just added embarrassment and as soon as he turned eighteen his parents disowned him, but that was alright as he found another family in BTS.

Yet rejection still followed him as the band grew in popularity. It didn't take a genius to figure out that Namjoon was the least popular member of BTS. He didn't possess Jin's classical good looks or Taehyung's other-worldly beauty. He wasn't quite as talented as Yoongi or Hoseok, and he certainly wasn't as graceful as Jimin or good at everything like their maknae. Their fans often overlooked him, a fact he pretended to not notice but it hurt knowing that nobody would genuinely want him. The boys tried their best to make him feel important and needed, even pretending that they didn't understand English so that their fans could see his value in the group, but even though they did this with good intentions, Namjoon couldn't help but feel like they pitied him, and soon enough, resentment towards them started to develop.

Then in came Angela.

She was a Chinese vlogger touring South Korea when they met. Namjoon had tripped and broken her tripod stand as she was filming in a park he loved to visit, and after the initial shock that they both had towards each other (they both were huge fans of each other's work), Angela suggested he buy her a meal as an apology. They exchanged numbers afterwards. Namjoon couldn't believe it. The girl they had all fantasised about at some point wanted him. Not Jin, not Tae...him. For the first time, he felt desired, and once Angela agreed to be his girlfriend, he was hooked and she knew it. Her demands got bigger and bigger. From expensive trips to shopping sprees, Namjoon bent over backwards to fulfil all her wishes, desperate to keep the only person who'd ever wanted him happy and by his side. So naturally, when she came crying that her landlord had kicked her out, he'd asked her to stay with him and the other boys.

Just as she'd hoped.

Namjoon was so caught up in his obsession he failed to notice all the flirty looks his girlfriend shot the boys, specifically Jungkook. In his eyes, Angela was his, the only person who chose him, and anybody who claimed anything different was instantly the enemy. Hoseok was proof of that, a black eye marring his pretty face when he came complaining about his perfect angel. They were just jealous of him, Angela had told him later that night. They couldn't accept that he was the one she wanted and they had planned to sabotage their relationship. Namjoon had been easy to convince, so when Jin accused Angela of raping Jungkook, he couldn't care less.

Until one day when he got a video of Angela getting fucked by three men in the luxury apartment he had bought her.

The shame he felt then was unparalleled but was almost how he felt now, hand on the door knob, with the happy sounds from Ivy and the boys coming from inside only magnifying his loneliness. He couldn't get himself to go inside; afraid of them rejecting him, a reaction he deserved after how he'd treated Ivy. He was exhausted, lonely and sad, and the text that came in moments later fueled him to make yet another mistake and fuck up his life some more.

Come over. You know you missed me.


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