Chapter 13

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Mikrokosmos is my favourite song ever🥰 Enjoy, and thank you so much for reading!


Ivy hated crying.

The last time she allowed herself to shed a tear was when she was 12; some boy from her school spread rumours about her kissing him. It didn't seem like a big deal but her mother had taken it very seriously, starting one of the many fights they'd have over the years. After wasting her tears on that situation, she had vowed to never cry again. And she succeeded, even when she got kicked out, through the major upheaval in her life, through pregnancy pains. Until today.

Listening to her baby's heartbeat echoing in the hospital room, Ivy cried for the first time in 11 years.

Taehyung and Mrs Lee, their doctor, looked at each other in bewilderment as she promptly began ugly sobbing with the ultrasound gel still on her stomach. To be honest, Taehyung wondered if Ivy felt any negative emotions at all. She always seemed happy, slightly mischievous but full of positive energy; it was almost like having a female Hobi around, except this one didn't cry at all. Watching her break down felt wrong even though deep down he knew she needed to let it out sometimes.

Jin on the other hand sprung into action, raising Ivy's back a little so he could sit on the bed and lay her head on his lap. He knew she wasn't just crying about her baby; her mind had been storing anger, resentment, sadness for a while now and this was its chance to offload some of it. He had observed Ivy's personality over the few weeks they had lived together, noting the almost artificial exuberance she put on constantly. It had to be draining, and he knew it had a breaking point, too.

"I'll take care of her, please allow us to stay here till she calms down," Jin politely asked the doctor who nodded and left. Taehyung left with her to discuss the next checkup and note the things Ivy should do as she was not in a position to do so herself.

Ivy cried for almost an hour. She cried until no tears came out, only sniffles and the occasional sobs. Jin never complained or tried to talk; he just kept stroking her hair, humming Mikrokosmos softly, knowing that after this purge, she would be ready to take on the world again.

And she was. During that hour, Ivy thought carefully about her life and her child's life and decided it was time to talk to Namjoon about getting a job.


"Absolutely not."

Ivy didn't know why she always argued with Namjoon, but here they were, arguing once more. Hoseok thought it was due to their similar personalities; Jimin thought they should just fuck and get it over with. Everyone could see they wanted each other, but of course, both of them were too stubborn to make the first move or even admit it.

This time Ivy looked even angrier than the last time. Her eyes narrowed to slits as she stared down the leader who sat completely unperturbed, drinking his boba, almost as if he hadn't just shot down her request to give her child a good future.

" And why the hell not?" She almost rolled her eyes while asking.

Namjoon took a leisurely sip before flippantly stating," First, because you are pregnant. Second, I don't know if you've noticed, but you are in South Korea where we speak Korean, which you don't know. Third, racism is sadly an issue here so chances of actually landing a job? Slim to none. And most importantly, WE will take care of both you and your baby, so don't worry your pretty little head about it."

" But that can't last forever!" Ivy burst out, irritated by his carefree attitude towards her life," One day you all will get girlfriends and families and I don't see any woman allowing some other woman and her child to basically mooch off her man's money. Besides, I need to build a foundation for my kid, which I can't do if I'm dependent on you guys."

Namjoon hated that she made sense. He really hadn't thought of the future when he brought Ivy to South Korea; in his mind he just thought she'd stay with them forever, which wasn't possible because not even BTS would stay together forever. He understood her need for independence, but still wanted to take care of her. Despite the constant petty arguments and unresolved sexual tension between them, he had grown fond of the girl.

So he made a compromise.

"How about this? I'll open an account for you and the child, where me and the guys will deposit as much money as we want, and in exchange you can cook for us, do the laundry and other light duties around the house. That way you have work to do, we don't have to worry about housework and the baby's future is sorted. Once the baby's old enough then you could look for a real job. Do you agree?"

Ivy mulled on it for a while, then agreed. Anything for her child.


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