Chapter 17

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Ivy was crying. Again.

Maybe she had begun to see what Jimin meant when he'd said her emotional outbursts had gotten a little out of hand, but screw him, she was pregnant and apparently every force in the universe had conspired to tug at her heartstrings of late.

It all started last week, at her doctor's appointment. The Bangtan Boys all cancelled their schedules to accompany her. She had been so touched she'd sobbed in Jin's arms for about an hour and he never complained, bless his soul. After that, she'd cried once more when the doctor wanted to reveal the gender and Jungkook requested in the tiniest, cutest voice ever that they keep it a surprise till the baby was born. And one more time when Namjoon refused to buy her soda because "it wasn't healthy", which led to yet another fight, with Ivy nearly screaming in the convenience store about how she had no idea who died and made him boss of her body, and Namjoon struggling to keep his calm and not shout back at the pregnant girl he adored yet hated in equal measure. He redeemed himself, however, two days later by dragging home a beautiful green stroller, making Ivy sob all over him. He hadn't minded it, though.

Which brings us back to today. Taehyung and Jungkook just watched in slight cringe as Ivy blew into a handkerchief, her ever-present eyeliner smudged under her really pitiful eyes.

"You guys are just so sweet!" She sobbed while shoving noodles in her mouth. That was the most hilarious part; Ivy often cry-fed. It always cracked the boys up how she'd be sobbing her heart out while simultaneously stuffing her mouth, looking adorable and gross all at the same time.

Taehyung chuckled at her reaction, reaching out to hug her shoulders," Geez, Vee, it's just painting. You're acting like we offered to buy you an island or something," he joked, making her chuckle a little as the tears subsided a little.

" I know, but I'm just touched that you want to do so much for my baby... you didn't have to, honestly," she told them. Offering to transform a spare room into a baby room had been enough to get her emotional as fuck, but two of the busiest idols offering to paint the room personally showed her just how lucky she was to have the boys.

"It's really nothing...we consider the baby ours too," Jungkook chimed in, regretting it when she burst into tears all over again. Taehyung glared at the maknae who just raised his hands in surrender and walked away to begin painting.

He'd let his hyung deal with that.


The first Christmas in Seoul went by really quickly for Ivy. Hobi, Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook all went to visit family about two days ago,  and Yoongi still chose to work on Christmas Day, which left her with the awkward leader and the eldest. After a failed attempt to tour the city (Ivy quickly found out that snow just wasn't it for her), they settled for a makeshift Christmas dinner and a night of all the clichè Christmas movies, with Ivy toastily snuggled between the two tall men.

Everyone apart from Taehyung and Jungkook came back two days later, with gifts for both Ivy and the baby. She'd dipped into the savings account to buy the boys small trinkets that reminded her of them ( it was very hard shopping for millionaires, so she opted to go simple) and the boys loved their presents. Namjoon got a miniature bonsai tree bracelet, Jin got a book he'd mentioned he always wanted to read, Yoongi got a new music notebook since his old one was almost full, Hobi got his favourite pair of Airforce 1's, Jimin got matching friendship necklaces, with "J&I" engraved on the pendant and Jungkook would get new paint brushes. 

For Taehyung, she'd wait till his birthday to give him the gift, but the more the days passed by, the more she felt bummed. Taehyung still hadn't come back from the trip to his parents' home. Of course he'd want to spend his birthday with his family, it was understandable, but was it selfish that she wanted him here? With the boys, with her. She wanted to be around him, kiss him, maybe even make his birthday extra special this year. Jimin had even helped her pick the sexiest lingerie set for the occasion, but of course the idiot wouldn't show up.

The morning of his birthday went by quickly. After a Facetime with Taehyung where they all congratulated him, Jimin and Hobi took Ivy out shopping for the baby to distract her from her sadness, which worked. They spent all day cooing at cute baby clothes, comparing cots and stuffing their faces with food. Back at the house, Jimin helped Ivy with her make up and then she put on the lingerie under a robe. She'd be damned if she'd let such an outfit go to waste. Her stubborn ass would stay in that all night.

Just when she'd settled in bed to read, she got a text from Hobi to go to the living room, so she did, only to stop in her tracks. The lights were off, the room illuminated by pretty fairy lights hung around a fort of sorts. And right in front of the blanket fort stood Taehyung in his emerald green pajama set, holding a single rose.

" I couldn't stay away from you today; my birthday wouldn't be complete. I wanted to take you out on a date but I know you like being home better, so I asked the guys to help me set this up," he explained, slightly stuttering due to nerves, "Ivy, will you go on this date with me?"

She could only nod, completely floored.

No wonder Jimin insisted on the outfit, that cheeky brat.


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