Chapter 16

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Jin never really felt like he fit in anywhere.

As a child, he'd been severely introverted, afraid to even talk to his own shadow. His family tried to get him out of his shell to no avail; that is,until puberty hit. Then he had more people clamouring for his attention than he knew what to do with.

He both loved and hated it. Deep down Jin knew he wouldn't even be in BTS without his looks. He knew that nobody would even pay any attention to him if he didn't have that face.

Except Ivy.

Everything she did captivated him. The way her eyes lit up whenever she smelled food. Her love for cooking even though she messed up some kimchi once. The way she hyped herself for a game with Jungkook then pouted for hours after he beat her again and again. How cute her giggles sounded, and how her eyes barely opened for several minutes after she woke up. How she always made grabby hands at Taehyung for cuddles, and how adorable she looked in one of the boys' long shirts dancing around the house with her baby bump on display, or sitting on her bed crying to Coldplay's Fix You because 'it's just so sad'.

Even more than that, he absolutely adored how well she understood them. She had quickly become someone indispensable to their little family, always making sure everyone was alright, raising their spirits, being both a friend and a mom. Looking at her now, seated in his house, patiently waiting for him to speak with a soft smile on her face, he suddenly felt something resonate deep within his heart.

Jin was heads over heels in love with Ivy.

It wasn't a thought that made him panic. At some level he'd always known it would take more than a beautiful woman to make his heart melt, and Ivy was by far the best person he'd ever met, minor flaws and all. So it was with a resolute heart that he told Ivy about his feelings.

Her reaction was almost comical. Her Bambi eyes widened even further as she stuttered, trying  desperately to find words. Jin had got her absolutely speechless.

Jin got slightly uneasy after a longer silence than she'd expected, and as usual, he covered it up with a small laugh and started rambling," I know you said you don't do emotions, and that is okay because I don't require you to love me back right now. I understand it's a shock, I get that. But I know you know the feeling of people only being around you because of how you look, and it floors me how humble you remain. How beautiful your mind is. How you take care of us. That's what I fell in love with, and it won't change whether you love me or not. Don't be afraid to tell me if you don't; I'm a grown man, I can handle it. Taehyung or Namjoon or even Yoongi may be better choices for you and I understand that because they're wonderful-"

Ivy couldn't take it anymore. This wonderful human being just said he loved her. Ordinary her.  Overly-emotional-mess her. Kim Seokjin loved her, and had confessed in such a cute way. She couldn't bear to hear him think he wasn't as worthy as the other guys,  so she cut him off with a gentle kiss on his plump lips. Pulling back after a few seconds, she cupped his face in her hands, met his awestruck eyes with her own teary ones and tried her best to get her words out without choking on sobs.

"Never say that. You are enough. More than enough, actually...Seokjin, you are amazing. I'm so honoured that you love me and I can't stop crying and before you say that I'm only like this because I'm pregnant and hormonal, I mean every word. I love you too. Maybe not how you love me, but that's only because I won't allow myself to fall in love like that. I need to fix myself first before I let someone else in. I need to be the kind of person that my baby will be proud of, and I'm not quite there yet. I know it's selfish to ask you to wait till I'm ready, but I'll still hope you do, because you're everything I could ever want," she somehow managed to convey her emotions and Jin had never felt so touched. He simply placed a soft kiss on her forehead and nodded.

They stayed like that all night, tangled up in each other's arms, sharing sweet kisses and listening to each other's heartbeats. The boys were very curious about it the next morning but the two refused to share. That was an intimate moment for them, the sharing of a promise;one that unfortunately wasn't meant to be.


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