Chapter 2

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So I'm still on this story which is fucking nuts because I can't commit to anything except seven men from Korea that I'll never get to meet but okay let's do this-😂



Namjoon admitted that he could be a little nerdy sometimes. And that Rap Monster had been a stupid name. And yes, maybe making Expensive Girl was the worst mistake of his whole career. And sure, he accepted that his love for crabs went way overboard most times. Most of the things people say about him were pretty spot on.

The one thing he never agreed with, though?

When people tell him he was too nice.

Even as he wrote down the Instagram handle of a random fan in the middle of the IG live he and Hobi were currently doing, Namjoon refused to accept that he might be a tad too naïve at times.

What was he supposed to do? Ignore that clear cry for help? The whole purpose of being in BTS and making music to him was to help their fans and anybody else who came across their music to cope with life a little easier. Through BTS, he aimed to block out or try to lessen the blows of life and society to whoever needed it. If he could do all that through a song, why then should he shy away when the opportunity to help others presented itself in such a manner?

Yoongi hyung would've argued that he was being too gullible. It could be a sasaeng, or somebody just trying to get attention. Namjoon didn't blame him; it was Yoongi's nature to be cynical. It was what kept him safe.

Namjoon used logic.

There was simply no reason for this ARMY to lie. First of all, there was no guarantee of a response from Hobi or Namjoon so that ruled out doing it for attention. Secondly, the way they had phrased it wasn't in a manner that invited pity; in fact, it sounded like it was a definite thing, like how one would state that the sky is blue. Third, they hadn't commented again, even when the comments went back to normal.

Of course, he could be completely wrong, and for the first time, Namjoon hoped he was.

"Namjoon-ah, I'm off to take a nap before dinner, see you later!" Hoseok called out to him before leaving the room. The live had just ended, and now Namjoon was stuck looking at the piece of paper with the username on it. 

To DM or not to DM.

Shakespeare must have been rolling in his grave.

Namjoon typed in the username on the search engine, just a slight background check on the fan. He was dumb, not stupid. He clicked on the profile; it was a girl by the name Ivy. A sizeable amount of followers, nothing too big. Four pictures, all selfies, focused on her eyes mostly. Her skin was a light brown, her eyes a darker shade in one picture and a lighter one in the next, which had sunlight hitting them just right. Her bio sported the tell-tale purple heart, as well as "Stay Gold", the title of one of their songs.


After a while, Namjoon snapped out of his little stalker session, remembering the whole purpose of the search. 

Great. She could be dead while you were busy checking her out. Focus.

Taking a deep breath, he composed a message to her and hit send, not allowing himself to think about all the things Bang PD( or worse, Jin) would have to say about this. Technically he should ask for permission from both his management and bandmates before using the group's shared social media pages, but Namjoon felt like this was an emergency. They would understand.


Hi. It's Kim Namjoon...I saw your comment on the live.

 Namjoon groaned, suddenly aware of how boring that text was. Or how obvious it was that he really didn't have friends. Would she notice?

His mild embarrassment turned to anxiety when a minute passes with no reply?

Was he too late?

He hurriedly sent another message.


I hope I'm not too late. Can we talk?

More waiting. Till finally, the message indicated she read it and was now typing. 


Oh wow...hey,yeah, um we could talk, no problem,

Sorry..forgot to introduce myself. I'm Ivy

Namjoon smiled at the screen in relief.

He wasn't too late.



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