Chapter 22

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Ivy struggled with the zipper on her dress for a few minutes before completely giving up. She wanted to cry honestly. How did a dress she bought less than two weeks ago not fit anymore? Was she really losing track of her weight? 

"Vee, are you ready? We're about to leave," she heard Tae call out from behind her door.

"Just a minute," she replied, her voice slightly trembling as she once again tried to wrestle the zipper shut but she only succeeded in breaking it off completely.  

Just. Fucking. Awesome.

Taehyung's head peeped into her room to check on her after he heard the muffled curses coming from inside only to see Ivy in a really tight knee-length yellow dress, half-opened, still cursing like a sailor but crying too. Sometimes she was just too adorable for words.

"Aw, what's wrong baby?" He cooed, hugging her from behind. Ivy turned and wrapped her hands around him as best as she could, seeking his comfort.

"My dress won't fit because I'm fat and now we can't go out and Hobi will be upset and it's all my fault," she wailed into his chest, genuinely sad.

Taehyung tried not to laugh at her misery but it was getting harder by the day. Ivy could get upset at anything, even things that were out of her control. Luckily for the boys, they were always prepared for any hormonal craziness she would come up with, which is why he excused himself and minutes later, Jimin walked into her room carrying a garment bag.

" When we went to buy clothes the other day Joon told me to pick something one size bigger for you because our baby's growing really fast so obviously you'd need bigger clothes. Here, wear this dress so we can go," he said, booped her nose then left.

Okay then.


It was a miracle they hadn't been mobbed by paparazzi today.

Namjoon had been so worried about them being spotted out with Ivy that he almost cancelled the dinner, but the boys had assured him they would be extra careful to stay out of sight and so far so good. They split up into different cars and avoided walking with Ivy into the hotel because let's face it, as a pregnant black foreigner she was very conspicuous. Add on to the low-cut burgundy maxi dress she had on that highlighted every feature and the subtle yet shimmery makeup, it was no doubt that eyes would be drawn to her. 

Once they made it inside, however, it was smooth sailing. The hotel was very high-end, which meant top-notch privacy, and the guys were finally able to let loose and enjoy the dinner.

" Hey birthday girl," Hobi was the first to make his way to Ivy's side to press a kiss to her forehead. He, Jin and Jungkook was the first batch to arrive after Ivy, who had already situated herself at the foot of the table.

She smiled up at him and squeezed his hand. " Hey birthday boy," she replied.

Yes, she shared a birthday with Hoseok. She'd never really cared about her birthday or celebrated it, especially this year because of her pregnancy; she'd much rather have stayed home and slept. The boys had all but begged her to join them in the annual dinner that they had at Hobi's favourite restaurant and when the birthday boy used his famous pouty face she couldn't say no, so now it doubled as her birthday dinner too.

Jin waved at her from the opposite end of the table, while Jungkook took a seat to her right, immediately showing her some memes on his phone. Ivy found Jungkook very easy to relate with, maybe because they were the same age and liked similar things. The rest of the boys filed in a few minutes later, rowdy as always, and situated themselves around the table. Immediately a waiter came to serve them, his face barely registering any surprise at seeing the famous boys with a pregnant lady, and one by one the boys gave their orders, Jin ordering for Ivy since she didn't speak Korean very well.

Ivy looked up from the menu she had been idly studying to find Namjoon's eyes trained on her. She instantly looked away, cheeks warm. The memories of him taking off her clothes and eating her up like a man starved before fucking her brains out weren't very appropriate to be thinking about in this fancy hotel but try as she may she could not think of anything else. The way he was eye-fucking her right now sure wasn't helping either. She prayed the food would get there quicker.

The food didn't come, but at least the waiter bringing their drinks gave her a much-needed break from his sultry gaze. Jin clinked on his glass for a toast.

"Brothers...and Ivy," he began, getting a laugh from everyone," let us raise a toast to Hoseok, a powerful dancer, rapper, son, brother and friend, and to Ivy, our lovely friend and soon-to-be amazing mother. May you both live long. Cheers!"

Ivy raised her glass in tandem with the boys and then proceeded to basically chug her non-alcoholic wine because damn that shit tasted good as fuck. This earned a scolding from Jin who got miffed that she 'didn't savor the flavour' and some other bullshit she didn't care about as she continued to down her bottle. Which only served to get her bladder full.

"Guys, the baby's on my bladder...let me go to the rest room real quick, no one touch my food when it gets here," she announced, looking mainly at JK who shrugged innocently like he didn't have sticky fingers like that.

After waddling rather ungracefully to the washrooms, struggling to work the very complicated flush and finally getting away from two middle-aged women who insisted on touching and marveling at her hair, Ivy was considerably pissed off. Not to mention her baby's kicks were getting more powerful each day, and he or she was being very active right now. Her feet hurt even though she wore slippers, she was hungry and moody, and there was a girl seated on her chair, pissing her off some more.

"Sis I don't care if you're a fan, just please get off my chair," she grumbled, absolutely done with everything.

"Ah, so you're the slut they replaced me with," the girl spoke up, turning around to meet Ivy's confused face. She was objectively beautiful, with long, sleek ebony hair, porcelain-like skin, big eyes and thin lips painted a dark red. Her skin-tight little black dress showed off a lithe body with zero body fat visible, and for the first time in her life, Ivy felt inadequate in another woman's presence.

"Angela, shut up and leave."

Namjoon's low growl shook her out of her insecurity and she was finally able to register the boys' expressions. Jungkook sat wide-eyed with a look she recognised as him being unsure of what to do, Tae had his blank face on but his jaw ticking non-stop betrayed his displeasure, Yoongi and Jimin rolled their eyes almost in unison, Hobi and Namjoon didn't bother to hide their emotions as they openly glared at Angela, and Jin...Jin looked absolutely furious.

"Oh look, it's pregnant too," Angela continued, completely ignoring Namjoon and giving Ivy one of the most condescending looks she'd ever received in her life," Didn't think you guys would fuck just anything but here we are...that bastard must be Joon's I'm assuming; you always did have a thing for dirt-"

The boys could only watch in horror as Ivy's hand formed a fist and hit Angela right in her face.


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