Chapter 31

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Angela had never been this excited in her entire life.

She finally had it all. The man, the money, the fame...well, most of that would come later but she didn't care. Getting Kim Taehyung must have been her greatest achievement ever. Watching him absolutely crush that dumb girl's heart courtesy of the little camera she'd snuck into Tae's room had filled her with glee. Serves that bitch right thinking she could go against the queen.

She walked into the apartment with the full intent of gloating about her newfound happiness to that pregnant piece of trash, breaking up with that spineless fool and collecting her man, but things didn't quite go as planned.

First off, Namjoon wasn't home. That shouldn't have been all that surprising seeing as he'd been swamped with work and calls from his boss since she got here, but the fact that their boss was currently in the house with a police officer kind of threw her off. Ivy and the rest of the guys except Yoongi and their leader were also present. Angela turned her gaze to Taehyung who was staring back at her with something other than a blank expression for once; a smug smile.

" Uh..what's going on?" She was utterly confused.

"We were waiting for you, sweetheart." The endearment sounded like a curse coming from Taehyung's mouth. Angela suddenly got the feeling that something was very, very wrong. She cautiously made her way to his side and clutched onto his arm, only for him to roughly detach himself as if the mere contact of her burned him.

"You know, last night I almost respected you," Taehyung began, walking around her slowly. Angela felt cornered, her instincts telling her to run but there was no escape." When I noticed you had bugged my room, I was surprised, really. You weren't as dumb as you looked...or so I thought. All it took was some acting and just like I predicted, you threw your whole plan away. Am I right?"

Damn him. He was right. 

" Angela Wu, I have a deal for you and I highly suggest you take it," Bang PD produced a booklet and a pen."You are to sign this non-disclosure agreement and a restraining order. You will not be allowed within 500 metres of any BTS member, Ivy Kimani and Choi Frankie. Once you sign them, a car has been prepared to take you to wherever you want to go. You are to break off your relationship with Kim Namjoon via text then delete and block his number. Failure to do any of that or any violation of this agreement will result in arrest and prosecution for the rape of Mr Jeon Jungkook. Do you agree?"

"It couldn't all have been a lie! You made love to me! You said we'd be together! How dare you lie to me! You bastar-" Angela went ballistic. It took both the policeman and Jimin to hold her back from clawing at Taehyung who didn't look scared in the least.

" Who knew all it took to make you squeal was a quick fuck? And you say I'm the whore," Ivy quipped, thoroughly enjoying herself. To be honest, she got how Angela could've thought Tae really liked her. He was a phenomenal actor. Good enough to fool Ivy the night before, but after he told her and the guys of his plan and its results, all had been forgiven. The question had been whether or not Jungkook wanted to press charges against Angela, which the maknae opted not to do and instead proposed this idea.

Ivy's sardonic jab filled Angela with pure mortification. Her lust and delusion had been her downfall and unlike her, Taehyung had kept the footage of her sex-fueled confession. It was over. So under their careful watch, Angela signed both the NDA and restraining order and sent a vague 'it's not you, it's me' text to Namjoon. She couldn't have a life of luxury in prison so it was in her best interest to just cut her losses.

 For the first time in weeks, Ivy felt herself relax. Now she could enjoy her last two months of pregnancy in peace without dra-

"Can somebody explain what the hell is going on here?"

She spoke too soon.


Namjoon was angry.

No, he was absolutely irate.

The other members and Ivy shared a nervous look. Namjoon had walked in, kicked everyone else out and sat by the counter, not saying a word. Nobody dared to fill the silence; they could tell from his face that he'd heard everything and he was NOT happy.

"First of all," he finally looked up at them," Taehyung slept with my girlfriend, and everyone is okay with that. no, actually, you guys support that. Secondly, you went behind my back to our boss and got him to threaten her with a lawsuit, and then got her to dump me over a text, and I bet nobody was going to tell me about this because around here I am a fucking joke, right?"

"It's not like that Jo-"

" I swear to God if your name's not Taehyung do not speak to me or I will hurt your feelings." Ivy's mouth snapped shut as she shrunk farther into the seat. 

Taehyung, to his credit, didn't cower but his eyes betrayed his nervousness. An angry Namjoon was not an easy opponent.

" I had to do it, bro...Angela originally used you for clout before setting her sights on JK when she realised he was more popular, and when she failed to get Jungkook she wanted me. But then I realised it earlier on and just switched up the plan on her," he explained.

Namjoon scoffed," Of course. Saviour Tae to the rescue, how noble."

Jin frowned at the younger's attitude. " Don't tell me you really liked that whore, dude. ..She was clearly just milking you for your money while preying on your friends!"

"And nobody thought about just letting me know about this shit?! Do I really look that stupid or whipped that I'd not listen if you guys just spoke the fuck up?!" Namjoon retorted.

"Not like you listened last time!"

"I fucking apologized for that, didn't I?!"

"Yet you still brought that bitch back, so how were we supposed to know you changed?!"

"Namjoon, the guys and I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, " Ivy calmly took over. The tension between Jin and Namjoon was the worst it had ever been, and she needed to deescalate it before a fight broke up." We just weren't sure of your ability to make the right decisions when it came to her."

Namjoon was angry. His ego was bruised and all his old insecurities had been forced to the surface. Yet again, nobody truly wanted him. Yet again, he had been played a fool by the people close to him. Lashing out was almost a natural reaction.

"You are not one to talk about making decisions when your slut ass can't even choose between the four guys you're fucking."

As soon as the words were out, he wished he could take them back, but it was too late. The damage had been done. Time stood still; nobody moved. Ivy gasped, her eyes filled with tears that spilt over her crumpled face. The girl ran towards the bedrooms, but before Namjoon could run after her his vision darkened and he fell to the ground in a heap, unconscious.

Seokjin had knocked him out with a single punch.


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