Chapter 15

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Thank you so much for reading this crap honestly🤗 I'm not even sure I'm doing something good here but I shall not quit😂



Ivy promised Jimin to help him come out to his band members somehow, an idea he reluctantly agreed with but was now regretting, as five wide pairs of eyes and one slightly disinterested one stared at him.

" Someone say something," Ivy piped up after an uncomfortable couple of seconds in utter silence. Maybe it wasn't the greatest idea to basically blurt out Jimin's biggest secret in the middle of a drunken game of Two Truths and a Lie, but she had always thought that bandaids should just get ripped off. Besides, she'd hypothesised that they would be much more receptive to the news after downing a few bottles of beer, turns out she may have been wrong.

"I personally knew, so..." Yoongi shrugged, and Jimin wasn't surprised. The dildo he'd found in his suitcase last year must've been a dead giveaway.

" I had a hunch, but I didn't want to assume, and I bet you had your reasons for not telling us earlier, so I hope no one gets mad about that. I personally love you just the same, and I'm proud of you for coming out to us. If anyone feels uncomfortable or has something to say to Jimin, say it now otherwise this subject is done," Namjoon declared. He'd noticed the anxiety evident on Jimin's face. The rest of the boys did too, choosing to preserve their questions for some other time. Jimin visibly relaxed after that; he wasn't good at being the centre of attention like that.

Hobi quickly changed the subject, shooting Ivy a silly grin." Say, Ivy, you never did tell us who your bias is," he asked, winking at her. 

Ivy just laughed, her eyes twinkling with mischief as she stared back at him." That's because I don't have one."

" Oh c'mon, that's a copout answer," Jungkook complained, downing his fifth bottle, which explained his confidence boost.

" No, I'm serious. I loved all of you equally...although when it comes to the music, I prefer the rap line," she confessed, bursting into giggles as the aforementioned jumped up and started flexing on the vocal line, who looked at her with mock betrayal.

"How dare you, Ivy?! I thought we were close!" Taehyung fake cried too.

"I just got a new best friend then she decides to pull this shit," Jimin muttered.

" Shut up, hyung!" Jungkook sulked at Hobi who was just screaming at this point.

Ivy noticed one person seated silently in all the commotion and slowly made her way to his couch, sitting gingerly on his lap as there wasn't any other space. Jin wrapped his arms around her waist to pull her closer into his lap, surprising her and his members who'd never seen him being openly affectionate with a girl before. Not even Ivy herself had thought that that would be his reaction.

" Jin, are you okay? You're quiet today," she whispered, laying her head on his broad shoulders. He hummed affirmatively, too comfortable with the woman on his lap to speak. Taehyung just stared at them, an uneasy feeling creeping up his stomach. Was he jealous of Jin? Probably. Ivy was all he'd been able to think about ever since he saw her naked. Did he love her? No. Maybe. He wasn't sure. He knew he had a crush on her; it was pretty hard not to, but it could be lust too. Whatever the case, seeing Ivy in another man's lap was not a welcome sight.

Namjoon on the other hand watched them like one would watch animals in the wild; studying them, trying to understand the rationale behind their behaviour. He knew Jin as the most reserved member of BTS, and he'd thought he'd be the least likely to want Ivy, based on his conservative view of life. It was interesting to see how quickly she'd wormed her way into his heart, but unfortunately, Namjoon couldn't shake the feeling that this would end badly.

Yoongi viewed them like he viewed everything else: with indifference, although a tiny part of him cared that his hyung and Ivy were getting closer. Whether it was out of protectiveness for Jin's heart or jealousy over him having Ivy's attention, it still did bother him. He made a mental note to connect that puzzle later.

The other three were happy for Jin and Ivy. Jungkook knew Ivy was too much for him; hell, he sometimes forgot to breathe around her. He had long accepted it and now viewed her as a sister or a close friend. Hobi wanted Ivy, but he knew she couldn't handle him in her state. He would wait, but she could have her fun in the meantime. And Jimin of course just wanted her to get laid.

Jin noticed the stares from the boys, noting Tae's stony look and Jimin's disturbing eyebrow wiggle. That was enough.

" Come with me," he asked Ivy, who nodded and allowed herself to be led out of the room and out of the apartment. Her heart beat fast with excitement and her palm felt sweaty in Jin's larger one but she didn't pull away. He walked down a floor to a door, opened it and ushered her in. The apartment was smaller than the boys' but was done in soft orange and brown tones that gave off a real homey vibe instantly putting Ivy at ease.

After closing the door, he turned to her, smiling sheepishly but his eyes maintained steady contact with hers.

" I didn't want us to stay with the rest anymore tonight," he explained," so Ivy, welcome to my apartment."


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