Chapter 21

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The next month felt strangely like a utopia to Ivy.

Between steamy nights with Taehyung and sexy escapades with Yoongi, she couldn't help but be ecstatic. Life was finally looking up for the first time in a long time. Her checkups also revealed that her baby was healthy and she couldn't wait to meet him or her in roughly two months; the boys were probably more excited than her. Jin had taken her out on several 'dates' in his apartment, and when Ivy disclosed her sexual relationship with the other members to him one day, he'd been very understanding of it. He wanted her to himself, naturally, but he wouldn't impose himself on her or restrict her actions. Hell, they weren't even official. Plus, the sexual aspect didn't excite Jin as much as the younger members; he knew that there'd be time for that later on so for now he'd rather just spend quality time with the woman he loved. Ivy cried at that, obviously. She was the happiest she'd ever been, but sadly, this was a house of cards.

Someday, it would come tumbling down.

It all began one cold late January afternoon. The boys had the weekend off, wanting nothing but some peace after a gruelling schedule-filled couple of weeks, but of course when does life ever go their way?

"Namjoon I swear to God you always just want to piss me off!"

The boy in question just sighed, looking at the girl currently yelling at him while simultaneously trying to get up from the couch, huffing and puffing as her huge baby bump made that task impossible. Jimin finally helped her stand, after which she trained her accusatory eyes back at Namjoon.

" Listen, they were out of the burgers you wanted so I got you a salad, no big deal," he said, looking at the aforementioned dish abandoned on the stool," It technically also has chicken and it's healthier."

"Did I ask for healthier?! No, I just wanted a chicken burger but nooo, perfect Kim Namjoon just had to bring me grass because he thinks he knows what's good for everybody," Ivy retorted, beyond done with him at this point. Honestly, sometimes she wondered if he actually wanted her to kill him. Because she would do it.

"Oh gosh, Ivy just take the damn salad and shut up! It's not like you need the burger anyway!" Namjoon yelled. He too was fed up with the overly hormonal monster that had taken over Ivy these past few months. Can this baby come already so he could go one day without a screaming match?

Ivy gasped. 


"What?! Who the fuck said that?"


"No, I didn't, and don't call me a fat dumbass!"




"Can you both shut the fuck up!"

The room fell silent after Jin's shout, everyone turning to face him. He looked royally pissed off.

"We have had to listen to your silly arguments for far too long so here's what we'll do. I and the boys will go down to my apartment for two hours, and when we get back I expect to find you two braiding each other's hair and holding hands otherwise I will make your lives hell. Am I clear?"

Ivy and Namjoon couldn't do anything other than nod as the guys filed out, leaving them alone.

"I'm sorry."

"You're still dumb."

They burst out laughing at the ridiculousness of the situation. Namjoon helped Ivy sit and sat on the stool in front of her.

"Thanks for that, I guess," Namjoon chuckled at her slight dig, but soon got serious," I really am sorry though. I shouldn't assume to know what's good for you; I will try and stop myself next time I feel the urge to. I just- I really care about you and our baby. I just want you guys to be healthy, and for that to happen you'll have to eat a vegetable once or twice, you know?"

"Haha," Ivy's sarcastic laugh told Joon what she thought about his lame attempt at a joke, even though her lips twitched into a smile before it dropped," I apologise too for being moody and always snapping at you. You really don't deserve it although you can be annoying at times. It's just that with all the changes in my body, I don't know...I don't feel sexy anymore, or even pretty so you bringing me a salad kinda solidified that thought for me, that you guys think I'm fat and undesirable now and I guess that's why I lashed out like that. I promise to eat healthier from now on."

Joon took Ivy's hands in his, noticing the unshed tears swimming in her eyes. Honestly, hearing her say those things about herself broke his heart because she was one of the most gorgeous people he'd ever met, and motherhood only amplified that. Her body had gotten bigger, but the round swell of her stomach only made her appear more adorable. Her cheeks were fuller and her skin glowed now. Not to mention her fuller breasts and wider hips. Ivy was insanely beautiful, and it seemed he had to remind her of that.

" Ivy, I'm sorry that I indirectly made you feel like that. It was never my intention. You are the most beautiful person I know, in and out. You are not fat; you are pregnant, and that only makes you more beautiful in my eyes, because you are carrying life. I can assure you that you could never be ugly because you possess those eyes and that smile and especially because you possess that absolutely beautiful heart. You are gorgeous, baby, please don't cry," he spoke, gently wiping away her tears. 

"As for being undesirable, that's impossible," he continued, this time running his fingers down her face to rest them loosely around her neck. "Because I really, really want you. Can I kiss you?"

Ivy slowly nodded before he brought her face closer by her neck and planted his lips on hers.


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