Chapter 35

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Three weeks later, Ivy and the boys brought home baby Joonie.

A lot had happened since Joonie was born. As predicted, the world had temporarily forgotten about Ivy and the pregnancy situation after Jimin's confession, with half of ARMY disgusted and the other half immediately diving into ship wars. Psychologists, religious leaders, politicians,  LGBTQ+ rights activists- everybody had something to say about the situation, with each group battling with another about something or the other. It was pure pandemonium, which only got fueled when Yoongi was cornered one day coming from the hospital by paparazzi and dropped yet another bombshell.

"What are your thoughts about your bandmate Park Jimin's shocking statement about his sexuality?"The reporter had asked him. 

Yoongi had looked straight into the camera and smirked. "What's so shocking about it? I like men too."

#YoonminIsReal trended for about a week straight.

Namjoon had had to be restrained not to strangle his hyung, but Yoongi thought it was worth it. Bang PD wanted a scandal, right? What's better than one gay member? Two of them. Plus, it was not like he lied...he really did like men. And women. And both. The body didn't matter. He did however have to admit the thought of people imagining him dating Jimin was absolutely mortifying; they were like brothers. He allowed it, though. It gave people something to talk about. The best part? 

He got to watch the world lose their shit. And that made him really happy.

Big Hit had quickly learnt that there was no saving BTS' clean-cut reputation without hurting them, so they opted to capitalise on the recent scandals. They released a statement with Ivy's permission, explaining her backstory and how BTS had taken her in and helped her in her time of need, garnering the support of the black and the African community who were happy to see some representation and helped ward off the racist fans and antis. The next step had been to get Jimin (since Yoongi refused) onto major talk shows and radio stations to talk about his sexuality, which brought in the LGBTQ+ support and a whole lot of offers from international brands and Western collaborations. Their videos boasted an immense surge in views as almost everyone got curious to see just who these Bangtan boys causing such a ruckus were. Many of the other companies even tried to copy this strategy and the new scandals from other idols helped take the pressure off them for a little while.

ARMY was in chaos. Never had there been so much scandalous new information about their golden boys and to most, it was quite upsetting to view a different side of them so suddenly. Most fans expressed their disappointment in the guys; especially the Korean fans who felt that the boys had been corrupted by foreigners, specifically that Ivy girl. The accusations and threats against her only got worse after Ivy's former friends in Kenya began exposing Ivy as a party freak and a slut. Even Farid, Ivy's cheating ex and Joonie's biological father, hopped on the clout train, no surprise there.

"Ivy's always been an easy girl," he'd had the guts to look hurt." I knew she was lying when she said that child was mine. I just didn't know she'd been sleeping around with seven guys. I'd advise them to get tested."

Ivy had thrown her phone on the wall after watching that live. Fucking lying ass deadbeat.

Big Hit had issued out a statement saying that anyone caught spreading malicious content about BTS and Ivy would be prosecuted after the death threats against Ivy started to become too much. They didn't scare Ivy much, but the boys would rather be safe than sorry. After that, talk about them died down a little, allowing them to enjoy being back home with their daughter.

Well, they enjoyed it most times.

The other times were complete hell.

Joonie must've gained more than full lung capacity in the incubator because that girl could scream. It must've been two months since they'd brought her home but nobody remembered what a full night's sleep felt like. Since Ivy had still been recovering, all the members had chipped in to help her take care of their daughter, but it certainly hadn't been easy. Of everybody, Yoongi seemed to be the one Joonie cared for most, seeing as she instantly calmed down when he held her, a close second being her mother. Jimin was the fun dad who made her giggle most, Jin could get her to sleep almost instantly by just singing to her, and Namjoon was banned from carrying her for obvious reasons. They all were a well-oiled team by now, but sometimes they wished their child would just let them sleep.

"Baby, wake up," Ivy heard Taehyung's deep sleepy voice call out to her." It's time to feed Minnie."

Half the boys called the baby Joonie and the other half called her Minnie. Ivy preferred calling her Jumi, a fun little nickname she'd coined from her baby's first two names. The name obviously didn't stick with the boys but she didn't care.

Ivy groggily disentangled herself from Taehyung's arms and went to pick Jumi from the crib next to her bed. After coming from the hospital she had had the boys move the crib to her room; she hadn't been ready to part with her baby after just getting her. She sat on the rocking chair that had been a gift from Mr Bang, popped a titty from her tank top and Jumi latched onto it immediately.

Her baby truly was beautiful. Light brown skin and silky dark hair, courtesy of her biological dad's Arabic roots, big round eyes that seemed identical to her mother's and cute dimples that popped up at the top of her mouth that reminded Ivy of Hobi.

Speaking of Hobi...." Oh, you're awake," the man in question popped his head through the door, smiling at two of the most important girls in his life." I just came to check if Tae remembered to wake you up."

"He did, but thank you for checking in," Ivy said, yawning. God, she really was tired.

Hobi came in, kissed both their foreheads, played around Joonie till she finished feeding, then took her from Ivy for burping. "I'll take over from here...Go back to sleep."

Ivy didn't even argue. She shot him a grateful smile, climbed back in bed, curling beside Taehyung, the last thoughts as she drifted to sleep being that she was insanely lucky to have the boys with her and they would remain together for a long time.

If only she knew that in two days her world would come crashing down. 


The end is near, guys...

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