Chapter seven: Meeting The Boy In Red

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Janette and Damon walked on through the realm of darkness. They had no idea how long it had been up in the world of light.

"How do you think Rachel and Ryan are doing?" Damon asked.

"Fine," Janette responded, "those two are strong. Besides, it's not like..."

Just as she was about to say it, they saw a familiar place.

It was there own home world, fallen to darkness. Janette looked away-- the sight hurt too much-- and she wanted to kick herself for hoping their kids would be there. All she wanted was to see them again.

"Something's happening up there..."

Ryan landed his glider, and they stepped off, carefully making their way through the castle, and spotted a boy in red.

"Quit while you can." Riku told him.

"No. Not without Kairi." the boy in red responded.

"The darkness will destroy you."

What did Maleficent do to you...? 

"Let's go," said Ryan, "we probably shouldn't intrude."

~some time later~

"What are you gonna do?" Her brother asked.

She stared at her feet. At first, all she'd wanted to do was help Riku, but things had changed.

"I want to help all of them. But--"

"You can't help everyone."

"I know... But, we can try to help Sora."

Riku rushed past, barely regarding them.

"Why? It was mine."

"Know this," said a deep voice. A glowing figure in a brown cloak approached him.

"The heart that is strong and true shall win the Keyblade."

"What? You're saying my heart's weaker than his?" 

"For that instant, it was. However, you can become stronger. You showed no fear in stepping through the door to darkness. It held no terror for you. Plunge deeper into the darkness, and your heart will grow even stronger."

"What should I do?

 "It's really quite simple. Open yourself to the darkness. That is all. Let your heart, your being, become darkness itself."

"What's happening?"

"We have to go." Ryan pulled her away.

At last, they managed to track down the boy in red.

"I'm Sora, and they're Donald, and Goofy."

"You're looking for your friend, right?" Ryan asked.

"Yeah, but how did you know that?"

"We're looking for him, too," Rachel sighed, "I met Riku a little while ago, but then Maleficent came. She kidnapped me, then hurt him and wiped his memory of me."

"Why don't you tag along? If we look together, maybe we'll find him faster."


"...Yeah, why not?" 

As the new group got to know each other, they realized how much they had in common. Sora's world had disappeared, just like theirs. And he was looking for someone he cared about-- same as them.

A barrier prevented Rachel and Ryan from continuing forward, so they watched as everything played out.

"Kairi!" The boy called. He pulled the girl into his arms, shaking her lightly.

"Kairi! Kairi! Open your eyes!" 

"It's no use." A strange voice called-- it was two voices melded together. 

Riku sat high up on a large, odd-looking Keyhole, holding a dark Keyblade. It was the Keyblade of heart, it unlocked the darkness in other's hearts.

"That girl has lost her heart. She cannot wake up."

Sora gently set her down, and stood up.

"You... You're not Riku."

"The Keyhole cannot be completed so long as the last princess of heart still sleeps." He floated down to the floor.

"The princess...?" Sora echoed. "Kairi's a princess?!"

"Yes, and without her power, the Keyhole will remain incomplete. It is time she awakened." 

"Well, whoever you are, let Riku go! Give him back his heart!"

But she's not the last one... I'm a princess, too, or so Maleficent said, Rachel thought.

"But first you must give the princess back her heart."

The boy in red fell to his knees, clutching his chest.

"Don't you see yet? The princesses heart is responding. It has been there all along. Kairi's heart rests within you!" 

"Kairi... Kairi's inside me?"

"I know all that there is to know."

"Tell me," Sora managed, "who are you?"

"It is I, Ansem, the seeker of darkness!"

Rachel struggled to get through the barrier, as Ansem-Riku approached Sora.

"So, I shall release you now, princess. Complete the Keyhole with your power. Open the door, lead me into everlasting darkness!" 

Sora deflected the blow at the last second, and Rachel pumped her fist in the air.

"Forget it! There's no way your taking Kairi's heart!"

They watched as a battled ensued, and Sora was victorious.

The possessed boy fell to his knees and disappeared, and the siblings could finally get through as their new friend attempted to seal the keyhole.

"It won't work!" said Goofy, "The Keyhole's not finished yet!"

"What can we do?"

"Maybe we gotta go wake Kairi up!" 

"I think you're right. If we can free her heart... But... But how?"

Rachel felt the color drain from her face as Sora got an idea.

"A Keyblade that unlocks people's hearts... I wonder." He picked it up off the ground, and her brother laid a hand on her shoulder as Rachel moved to stop him.

You can't help everyone.

Then Sora droved the Keyblade of Heart into his chest. As all the hearts were freed, they slowly began to awaken. Kairi was the last to open her eyes. She stood up.

"Sora!" She cried, running to catch him as he disappeared.  

Everyone was staring up at the ceiling in utter silence.

"Sora," Kairi whispered. "Are you really-- No, he can't be. I won't let him go!" 

Then Rachel remembered their other problem.


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