Chapter fifteen: Ryan's Oath

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~Rachel's POV~ 

Before we went home, Ryan made a quick detour to the tower, and we spoke with Master Yen Sid.

"I am sorry." The man said. "But there is still no sign of any of them."

"Where could they have gone...?" My brother asked, speaking to no one in particular. He seemed to feel my eyes staring up at him. "It's gonna be alright. Thank you, Master."

As soon as we got back, I went straight to my room and closed the door, staring out the bedroom window. 

There was a light knocking several hours later. "Come in..."

"Hey, I... made dinner if you wanna come downstairs." said Ryan.

"I'm not really hungry."

"Oh... Well, let me know if you need anything, alright?" 

~Ryan's POV~

Days went by, and she still didn't come out of her room. I was worried about her.

I summoned my Keyblade, staring at it for a second. "Mom, Dad... Where are you?"

My sister trudged downstairs the next day. She didn't look sad anymore.

"Hey. Feeling better?"

"Yeah. They're still out there somewhere. I can feel it. Aqua, too."

I made her a full breakfast of pancakes, bacon, and eggs. Rachel deserved it for everything she was going through.

As the weeks past, she got better, which seemed to cast a ray of hope on our world. Still, without our parents around, it just wasn't the same. We did the best we could. 

~Third person POV~

"How do you think they're doing?" Damon asked.

"They'll figure something out." Janette replied.

In truth, she had already surrendered to wandering the shadows, upon coming to grips with the situation. 

But she didn't say this out loud.

As long as their children were safe, she was willing to stay there for as long as necessary. 

You two had better stay strong up there. Janette thought. Just know... We're still with you. No matter what happens. And I hope you'll always remember... how much we love you. 

~Ryan's POV~

Three weeks later, after several search parties, tons of missing person posters... there was still no sign of them. Eventually, I realized I would have to raise Rachel on my own. 

"Don't worry." I said, staring at my Keyblade. "I'll keep her safe. It's not gonna be easy. But I think... I can get the hang of taking care of Rachel. At least until we find you."

And from that day forward, for eleven years, I swore I would never let anything happen to her.

I wouldn't let anyone break her heart.

"And someday, we will find you. Til then... I'll keep you in my heart."

End of part one.


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