Chapter twelve: The Fated Place

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~Trio's POV~

He stood in the middle of the Keyblade Graveyard, Aqua slowly approaching. When she caught up to him, her serious expression turned sad. "I was told... the Master was struck down." 

"Yes... that's right. I was stupid and helped Xehanort do it."

She gasped.

"The Master-- he tried to hurt Ven. I only fought because I wanted to protect him. But I was tricked. Xehanort set the whole thing up-- all so he could awaken the darkness inside me. You were right, Aqua-- and so was the Master. I did need to be watched. I went astray-- but no more."

A long silent moment passed before the woman replied.

"What else is darkness but hate and rage? Xehanort's feeding the dark fires within you-- making you fight. You'll go astray again. Tell me-- how does that honor our Master's memory, Terra?"

Ven walked up to them.

"Xehanort wants me and Vanitas to fight, and make some kind of X-blade. But the Master said we can't let that happen... and he tried to destroy me for it."

"X-blade?" Aqua repeated.

"I still don't know exactly what it is. But... it scares me to death. Even just the thought of it."

"Relax, Ven." Terra said, laying a hand on his shoulder. "We're here and we're gonna take care of you."

"I may have to fight Vanitas after all. If I do, guys... I want you to--"

"The three of us can never be torn apart, alright?" His grip tightened. "I'll always find a way."

Aqua laid a hand on Ventus's cheek.

"I'm asking you, as a friend. Just... put an end to me."

The wind blew harder, and two people in armor landed next to them. One of them removed their helmet, revealing a man with blonde hair and blue eyes. 

"Who are you?" He asked. "And what are you doing here?"

"We left home to investigate the Unversed, and now we're trying to stop Master Xehanort." Terra explained.

"Unversed?" A young woman removed her helmet, revealing brown hair and brown eyes. "Is that what you call those creatures? The ones that feed off negativity?" 

"Yes. But how do you know about those, ma'am?" Aqua asked.

"We were investigating as well. My name is Janette. This is my husband, Damon." "I'm Aqua, and these are my friends, Terra and Ven. By chance... are you the mother and father of two children?"

"Yes. Rachel and Ryan. But..." 

"They look like you. Ryan's been looking all over, and Rachel went after him."

A figure stood in the distance.

It was Master Xehanort, with Vanitas at his side. 

"Behold... These lifeless keys used to be full of power-- united with the hearts of their masters. On this barren soil, Keyblades of light and darkness were locked in combat... as a great Keyblade war raged. Countless Keyblade wielders gave up their lives, all in search of one, ultimate key. And it will soon belong to me--"

He pointed at them. "X-blade." 

Thus began the attempt to stop Master Xehanort.

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