Chapter six: A Million Dreams

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~Aqua's POV~

"So... You decided to sneak on board again, huh? You're a handful. But if you want to find him that badly... then let's go." We headed off, and ended up in a different kind of world than before. "Coooool..." Rachel murmured. "This is--" "Tadaaa! Wearin' the mask of peace and hope... comes the fearless defender and hero of this town! It is me-- Captain Justice!" "Huh?" "I'm not so sure he's a real hero." I whispered, kneeling. I turned to leave. "Come on, Rachel." "Wha-- Now listen, you pip-squeaks. I'm Captain Justice! Who are you to walk away whenst a bona fide hero is offerin' his help?" "I'm sorry, but I really don't need any kind of hero, bona fide, or--"

"Somebody, come quick!" Someone ran into view, falling to his knees. "What's that? Trouble? Captain Justice to the rescue!" We all ran to his side., and he looked up at the cat. "You? Well, now that's a shame... Or is it? Maybe this job's perfect for you, Mr. Hero." "What!? Name your catastrophe!" "Those annoyin' monsters have turned up again over in Fruitball Plaza. They're all yours now, Captain J."

Monsters? Don't tell me the Unversed are here...

"Monster!? Well... too bad. Not on the list." "I didn't know 'bona fide heroes' got to pick." "Yeah! What kind of a hero is that?" "But I wouldn't stand a chance of survivin'-- er, of fittin' 'em into my schedule." "Gosh, I thought you said you were Captain Justice. You can't leave those menacing things runnin' loose. They're ruining Fruitball!" "Huh? Hark, do you hear that? Somebody's callin' for Captain Justice's help! Sounds like this catastrophe can't wait. But, uh, I'll be back here in a jiff!" 

He ran off. "Oh, I'm sure you will, Captain Useless. But I don't think I'll stay here and hold my breath." "I'm anything but a hero, but maybe I can help, if you want." "Would you? Oh, that'd be just jim-dandy! Someone needs to trounce those fiends at Fruitball, and keep 'em away from the plaza."

"I'll try. Hey, Rachel. Why don't you go take a look around? Who knows, maybe you'll find your brother. Just be careful of the Unversed." She nodded, and ran off. "Give a holler when you're ready, and I'll explain to ya how Fruitball works." 

~Rachel's POV~

After a while, Aqua managed to take them down. "My, you sure taught those monsters a lesson. You're the real hero in town, if you ask me." A mouse, wearing a tiara walked up. "He's right, my dear. I couldn't agree more. Thank you so much." 

To be quite honest, neither could I. 

"Who are you?" "I'm Minnie." "And she's our queen." "Wooow..." "Oh, please excuse me, Your Majesty. Where are my manners? My name is Aqua." She got down on one knee. "There's no need to be so formal. Just call me Minnie. You see, I'm not sure I'm doing a very good job protecting my kingdom." "Oh, don't say that Queen Minnie. We all know how hard it's been since the King set off the way he did. Don't you trouble yourself. Why we wouldn't even think of putting on our yearly Dream Festival if we thought there was the slightest chance anything might go wrong." "Oh, you're very kind, Horace."

"How 'bout that Pete, though? Captain Justice my hide! You can't count on him for anything!" "Wait... You're saying his real name is Pete?" "Well it sure as sugar isn't 'justice'. Pete never does anythin' for anybody except Pete. That getup is just an act to get folks to vote for him. He wants to win the Million Dreams Award and hog the prize." "Million Dreams Award? What is that?" 

"It's part of our Dream Festival." Queen Minnie explained. "We all vote for who we think the most admirable citizen is. But Pete seems to have the wrong idea. He thinks dressing up as a hero and proclaiming that he is one will win him votes. What really makes someone a hero isn't what they wear or what they say-- It's the things they do and how they treat everyone." 

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