(Part two. Kingdom Hearts I) Chapter one: Working Too Hard

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As the years passed, Ryan got the hang raising his sister. He signed some papers and became Rachel's legal guardian, about a month after their parents' disappearance. It had taken some time, but they both adjusted.

Now, ten years later, Ryan was walking home, carrying a small yellow box with a store-bought cake inside.

He put it in the fridge, and started working on the finishing touches of her present.

The front door opened, and Ryan hid the gift behind his back. "Hey. You're-- You're home early." he said, trying to act casual.

"Actually, I should've been back hours ago. I stayed late." Rachel muttered.

"How come?"

"I spent the whole day trying to summon a Keyblade."

He placed the book on the counter behind him, his sister standing immobile on the dusty welcome mat in the empty hallway. She was struggling. The birthday present could wait. 

Rachel watched as Ryan walked over, inspecting her. "Are you hurt at all?" he asked.

"Just... a little sore. How'd you know?"

"I always know."

Her brother seemed to see her wince, "Go sit on the couch."

She did as he said, and he left for a minute, returning with a towel-wrapped ice pack, and pressing it against her throbbing arm.

"Hold it there for a while. That should help." 

"Thanks." She said weakly. 

Rachel had been trying to summon a Keyblade. She'd left her arm extended for hours in hopes of getting one, but by the end of the day, nothing changed. 

"You shouldn't strain yourself trying to get it to come. It always happens eventually."

"Yeah. Sure."

She glanced at the clock. 5:47 PM. 

Ryan watched as Rachel trudged upstairs. Now more determined than ever to make her smile, he continued to work on her present. 

"Her birthday is in just a few days. Hopefully, by then she'll have cheered up. I hate seeing her like this." 

Ryan woke up to light pouring in through the window. His head rested on the book, and one arm laid across it, while the other hung limp at his side. 

"Was I here all night?" He stood up, whirling to see what time it was.

"Noon!? Frick..." The young man ran outside, tripping over the steps of the front porch and falling onto the concrete with a painful thud.

"Are you okay?" A voice asked. A young woman helped him to his feet. He responded, "I'm fine. Thanks." 

It was their next-door neighbor, Ms. Alia. She'd been the one to help them adjust, given them the funds to help Rachel find a school, and even helped Ryan find a job. "Is something wrong?" She asked.

"I'm late for work. Sorry to bother you, Ms. Alia."

"Not at all. But..." 

He glanced down, then quickly ran back inside and put his shoes on. "Sorry, I... really need to go." 

Rachel spent the whole day training, but still made no progress. Discouraged, she went to her room without a word.

There was a knock, and Ryan poked his head in. He sat on the bed beside her, and she leaned on him, and after a long, exhausting day, they finally got caught up.

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