Chapter eight: Fren Circle

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~Aqua's POV~

Rachel looked outside the window. We seemed to be in some kind spaceship. I ran out of the room, spotting the Unversed. "Is there any world they haven't found?" We took them out, and Rachel pointed to something on the ground. "What's that?" "It looks like one of the Wayfinders..." I replied, picking it up. "But how did it get here?" It was snatched from my hand , and there was a high-pitched shriek. The small blue creature glared at me. 

"Tell me, where did you get that?" He growled, then softened when he saw the Keyblade. Rachel cautiously walked over, holding out her hand. I wasn't sure it would work, but then the creature jumped into her arms, and she laughed. 

The moment didn't last long, as a voice echoed through the ship. "Come out, you little trog!" He fled. "Wait!" I called. "You there." A strange, creature walked over, and the little girl ran back and hid behind me. "Has Experiment 626 passed through this area?" "I don't understand. Experiment what?" "Don't be dense. Dr. Jumba Jookiba's genetic abomination--- 626! Small? Blue? Vicious?" 

"Him? But he didn't look vicious." "Ah. So you have seen him!" "Yes. He's in the ventilation system." "Blast! He got away again." We turned to leave. "Hold it right there. Why don't I know you? What section are you from?"

"Um, I'm..." "Trying to stow away, are we?" He lead us through an empty hall. "What is the meaning of this? Captain Gantu, did I not order you to apprehend the fugitives immediately?" We faced a slim woman with green skin. "Yes-- and I will have them in custody soon. They'd be locked up already if those wretched monsters would just-- I mean, if I hadn't uncovered these potential stowaways."

"We weren't trying to sneak on board. My name is Aqua, and this is Rachel. And those monsters-- I followed them here. Please, I can handle this threat. Just give me a chance. Let me show you. The weapon I carry is the only one that can stop them."

"Our weapons are of no use against them? Is this true?" "Well, we haven't explored all our options--" "Nor do we have time to. We are fortunate you are here, Aqua. Your assistance would be most welcome." "But Grand Councilwoman, you can't honestly believe what this stowaway says?" "I think you'll find I can. We have a crisis. Jumba and 626 remain at large... and these monsters are obstructing attempts to apprehend them. Or did I mishear your latest excuse as to why you've again failed to carry out your duties, Captain? Will you help us?"

"Of course. Defeating them is my job. It's what I do best, ma'am." "Then might I make  one other request? Should you happen upon our fugitives... please do whatever you can to apprehend them intact." "You want me to capture Dr. Jumba and Experiment 626?" "But you can't just-- That's my job!" 

"You had your chance, Captain Gantu. Now you will stand down and await orders. We will monitor the location of the monsters and keep you apprised." "Can I help, too?" "Of course." "Thank you for your help. Aqua, Rachel."

Experiment 626 was carrying a Wayfinder. I'd know that shape anywhere. 

Are Terra and Ven here, too?

~Rachel's POV~

I clung to Aqua as we flew on her Keyblade glider. A single star sparkled in the distance, and something floated into view. Aqua grabbed it. "This must be the Wayfinder that 626 was carrying around." 

Walking through another empty hallway, the woman spotted the small blue creature. Then the Unversed appeared, and tried to attack him. "Look out!" My friend leapt, and gracefully defeated them all at once. "You must be Experiment 626. I have orders to take you in." 

"Terra." "Huh?" He scurried off. "I think you and I need to talk." More monsters blocked his path. "But first things first." With the creature's help, we took them out. "Thanks. I owe you. What is it you're looking for?" He was whipping his head back and forth. "Ter...ra..." "Huh?" 

Without another word, he leapt, and started climbing on the wall. "Wait! I just need to ask you--"

~Aqua's POV~

"Dr. Jumba and Experiment 626 have been sighted." The Councilwoman told me. "At that time, the two of them were wandering around the launch deck. Would you see that they're secured?" "But..." "...Is Experiment 626... really that dangerous of a creature?" "We must assume so." "Alright then. I'll head over there now." I looked over the ledge.

"Is time to give up." Someone was walking over to the experiment. "Then I will fix abnormality, and ridiculous behavior stops." The experiment snapped at him, though it seemed to be in gibberish. "Hold it right there! Dr. Jumba, Experiment 626... I've been authorized to take you into custody." He eyed his Wayfinder, which was in my hand. "Terra!" He shrieked, jumping at me and taking it. "So it really does belong to you. But where have you seen that shape?"

"Is copy he made of good luck charm that boy Terra show to him. Terra said friend gave him charm, was very protective of it." "He really said that to you?" "Yes."

"Then you're still alright, Terra." "And now, because of Terra and his little bauble... my genius creation is hesitating in his genetically programmed destructive instincts. Just look at him."

He clutched the charm lovingly, then a laser barely missed hitting him. Captain Gantu stood above. "What are you doing? Our orders are to capture them alive!" "I've decided to take a new approach. Alright you, two... Any last words before I blast you into a million pieces?" The experiment said more unintelligible words, and the captain replied. "I am just big-boned!" He started chasing the creature. "Freeze!" 

"Stop it!" "Yeah, leave him alone!" "I warned you. Stay out of it!" "I guess we have to do this the hard way." We fought him, and almost won. "I'm not done with you yet."


The Councilwoman stepped forward. "I observed everything on the monitor." "I... I can explain..." Said Gantu. 

"You've been of great service, Aqua. Thank you. Captain Gantu. Escort 626 to the asteroid to which he's been banished. When you return, you're back on patrol." "Not patrol!"

~Rachel's POV~

"Please, Your Highness." Said Aqua. "Would you consider sparing Experiment 626?" "Spare him? He's an extremely dangerous creature. I cannot release such a menace." "B-but..." I stuttered. She spoke up. "But it seems to me he's at least trying to make friends. And dangerous or not... I really believe he can succeed." "Very well, Aqua. If he behaves himself I will consider shortening his exile." "Thank you, ma'am."

Aqua walked up to him, and knelt, laying a hand on his Wayfinder. "I like the charm you made. Do you think maybe... my circle of friends could become part of yours? My name is Aqua. My friends are Terra and Ventus. And Rachel, of course."
"Ah-koo, wah, fren... Terra... Ven... Ray-shell." He walked off with them.

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