Chapter ten: A Forgotten Meeting

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~Aqua's POV~

I walked across the bridge on an island. Moments before, I had sensed a warm light, and it brought us here. "Look at that." Rachel said, pointing to a leaning palm tree. She seemed awed by this whole island. Then I looked closer, at the fruit, and remembered what I'd told them, and pulled out my Wayfinder. "Terra... Ven... I hope we're ready for the storm that's coming." It grew silent for a moment, as Rachel stared out at the sea. 

~Rachel's POV~

"Hey, wait up!" "Too slow, Sora! See ya at the finish line!" Then these little boys ran by, catching our attention. "One more time! You just got lucky." A silver-haired boy, about my age, looked up. I had peered over the bridge. We locked eyes for a second, then Aqua walked up, and jumped down, startling the other boy, who had deep blue eyes and spiky brown hair. He laughed nervously. 

~Aqua's POV~

This boy looks so sincere-- just like Terra. And this one-- he's the spitting image of Ven. 

"One of you... might be special enough. Hey, you two mind telling me your names?" 

"I'm Sora!" Said the younger boy. "And you?" "...Riku."

Someone has already passed this boy the power. Was it Terra?

"Sora, do you like Riku?" "Of course, I like him, he's my best friend!" "Good. So then, if something happens, and Riku is about to get lost-- or say, he starts wandering down a dark path alone-- you make sure to stay with him and keep him safe. That's your job, Sora, and I'm counting on you to do it, okay?" Sora and Riku walked back after a minute, but Riku slowed, as Rachel jumped down and walked over to him. 

~Rachel's POV~

"Hey. Are you with her?" "Yeah. She's helping me find my brother." "Oh." "Have you seen him?" "Hmm..." He thought for a minute. "What's he look like?" "Blonde hair, brown eyes." "I dunno. One guy came here and..." "Hm?" "Nothing. I gotta keep it a secret. What's your name, anyway?" "Oh, I'm--"

"Rikuuu! What's taking so long?" "Gotta go. See ya." "Yeah." He ran off, leaving me with only the strange, unfamiliar warmth in my heart. Aqua called my name, and I ran over to her. "I see you made a friend." "Yeah, but... I doubt that we'll ever..." "Then why are you blushing?" "I am not!" I objected, hiding my face. Aqua laughed, and we sat on the leaning palm tree.

~Aqua's POV~

One Keyblade is enough... for any friendship. I learned it the hard way. I wouldn't wish our lives on those children.

Terra, please tell me-- what's to become of us?

"Wooow..." Rachel murmured. "Look." "The sunset's beautiful. Glad we can rest like this, huh?" I caught her stealing a glance at the boys. "We should get going." "Huh? Oh-- yeah." 

~Riku and Sora's POV~

"Who were you talking to?" "Just... somebody I ran into." "Who was she? Do you have, like, a girlfriend or something?" "No, it's not-- It's not like that. She doesn't even live here. She was looking for someone." 

But there was something about her, Riku thought. Something... special. I wonder if I'll run into her again. 

"Riku! Hellooo?" Sora waved a hand in front of his face. "Huh? Oh, I was just thinking." They got into the boat, and he turned one last time, watching them disappear into the distance. 

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