Chapter thirteen: Fates Sealed

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~Third person POV~

The battle didn't start out well. Terra was facing Master Xehanort, forced up onto a cliff by a tornado of Keyblades. Ven tried to attack from behind, but the man disappeared for a minute, holding him up in mid-air by his head. Xehanort turned him to ice, and dropped him off the ledge, but Aqua dove and caught him. "Ven, are you okay?"

Damon had been badly injured, and Janette had to take care of him before joining the battle.

"How 'bout you leave the popsicle with me," A voice called. She turned to see someone approaching Aqua. "So you can go have your little fight with Terra. You can't be too happy about him deep-sixing your Master."

"Who are you?" 

"You think you two have got some grand role to play. As if. You're only here so, when I finish you off... Terra will succumb to the darkness. So... who wants to go first?"

"Shut up!" Ven snapped.

"Oh, so this kiddo thinks he's a full-fledged Keyblade wielder? He's got the angry look down."

"Go ahead if you want to waste your time." Aqua said to him. "Keep trying to drive us apart with your mind games. It'll never work!" She gently set Ven down. "Terra will prove to you he's stronger!"

Damon slowly got to his feet, and summoned his Keyblade. "We have to help them."

"You can't!"

"I'll be fine. Trust me." 

"...Okay. But be careful." They ran to Aqua's side. Together, the trio defeated the strange man. He jumped back, panting. "I keep forgetting-- don't mess with Keyblade wielders. But you know what? That just means I made the right choice! Well... he wanted me to buy time, and I'd say he got it." The man left, and Aqua turned back to the still frozen Ven.

"Aqua!" He shouted. 

Then everything went dark.

~Janette's POV~

She and her husband watched over Aqua, until Mickey came along. "We have something to take care of. Can you keep an eye on her?" He nodded, and they ran off, up the cliff. Terra stood there, completely still for a minute. His hair was white, and his eyes were yellow. Damon waved a hand in front of his face, then turned away to face Janette.

"Look out!" She cried.

He crumpled to the ground as he was struck from behind, and a dark portal opened. Terra lifted him, and threw him in.

"No!" She jumped in right after, willing to risk her life for his.

~Third person POV~

Aqua gasped, and opened her eyes.

"Gosh, I'm glad you're okay."

She stood, and looked around. "Oh, thank goodness. Ven! You're safe!" He stood there with his eyes closed, and all the ice had disappeared. "Ven?" He lifted a strange Keyblade, and Mickey jumped in front of Aqua, blocking it.

"That's not Ven!" 

"Correct. I am not Ventus. His heart has become a part of mine now. This X-blade will open a door-- one that leads to all worlds! Then, Keyblade-bearing warriors will flock here from each and every one of them, and battle for the light within Kingdom Hearts! And just like the legend says, the Keyblade war will begin!"

"Shut up! I'm sick of your nonsense! Give Ven his heart back!" 

She fought alongside Mickey, and they won. Then the possessed Ven blew a strong gust of wind, and it threw them back. Aqua was slammed into a large rock, then fell back down, panting.

"What's wrong? Giving up already?" 

"Terra, Ven, lend me strength." The Keyblade suddenly started glowing, and she got back up, running towards him.

"You're just wasting your energy!" Their blades clashed, and she pressed harder, putting a dent in the X-blade.

"What?" He was thrown back, and the X-blade spun in mid-air. Balls of light flew all over, and a barrier formed around the boy, who was lying on the ground, motionless. 

"Oh no!" Said Mickey. "It... it's gone all haywire!"

"Ven!" They were all sent flying as the blade shattered.

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