(Part one. Birth By Sleep) Chapter one: How It Began

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~Aqua's POV~

"I'd best be on my way." I told Master Eraqus. My name is Aqua, I had just been named Keyblade Master, and should've been proud of this accomplishment, but... 

My dear friend, Terra, hadn't passed the exam, and it's bugging him.

My teacher called after me when I turned to walk away. "Wait, Aqua. Before you depart, I have one other... Well, call it a request, of the utmost priority." "Yes?" "I told Terra this could be a second chance to show the Mark of Mastery... and I meant it. However, that flicker of darkness he displayed during the examination-- I can sense it runs very deep. If he were to-- If those powers were to prove too much for him to handle, I want you to bring him back to me at once. It's for his own good. I could not bear to lose any of you to the darkness."

"Of course. I would never let that happen. I promise you, I will bring Terra back. Only this time you'll see he has what it takes to be a Master. He's not as weak as you think." Turning to leave, I leaned on the railing, watching the entrance. The doors opened, revealing a young man, walking alongside a little girl. We went down to see who it was, and the young man walked off, talking with him.

~Rachel's POV~

"Hey, where are you from?" The woman asked me, kneeling. "I'm not supposed to tell you that." I mumbled, staring at the floor. "You should know about the order." "Right. You mind telling me your name?" "Rachel. My parents left about a week ago, and haven't come back. I'm supposed to stay here, while he looks for them." "You don't exactly like staying behind while he goes off on adventures, huh?" "He treats me like a little kid!" "Oh, really? Just how old are you, then?" 

My eyes didn't meet hers, "Five." 

She laughed, and tousled my hair. "You have to stay here, where you're safe. I'm Aqua, by the way. Listen," She turned over her shoulder, pointing. "You see him? The man, talking to your brother? Go to him. I have places to be, okay?" Aqua lead me over to him, and knelt, laying a hand on my chest. "I just cast a magic spell on you. If there ever comes a time when you're about to fall into darkness, the light in your heart will connect with the light of another. Someone who'll care for you. And that light will keep you safe." 

"But... Ryan's always kept me safe, and he cares about me." "It's a different kind of caring. You'll understand when you're older." "I don't think I'll have anyone like that." "Sure you will! You're a beautiful, loving girl. Now, I have to get going. You should let him take you to your room." "But I wanna come!" "It's too dangerous." "I don't want to stay here! Just--" "Aqua," Said the man, suddenly appearing next to us. 

"Let me take care of the girl. Her light is of the utmost importance. She must be kept safe. Rachel... come along." "Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine. I'll go wait in my stupid room." He took my hand and lead me away, and Aqua waved goodbye, then turned and left. "Hey, can I take a look around?" 

~Ryan's POV~ 

The outside world was beckoning me, calling my name. 

And it wasn't just the other worlds I needed to see.

It was my mother and father.

They'd gone off about a week ago, and hadn't returned since. Staring off at the sky for a moment, I thwacked the shoulder pad, and switched into my Keyblade armor instantly. 

It was orange, with some black outlining, and the helmet had ears, that pointed straight up. A fox. The Heart's Allegiance Keyblade flew through the air, changing into its Keyblade glider form. I leapt on top of it, and rode off into the lanes between.

~Aqua's POV~

My eyes shifted to my friends Terra and Ventus. Terra pressed on his shoulder pad, changed into his armor, and rode off before the boy could stop him. Ven sighed, then changed into his Keyblade armor.

"Wait, Ven!" I called. Master Eraqus ran outside, and we stared up at him. "No! He mustn't!" He vanished, and our teacher turned to face me. "You have to bring him back!" "Don't worry, Master!" And this is when our journey started.

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