Chapter nine: An "Expatition"

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~Aqua's POV~

I lead Rachel through a camp, and she spotted something on the ground a short distance away. I picked it up as two kids ran towards it. "We were so close." Said a boy in a fox costume. "Too bad, men." A voice called from above. "Tough break." "But Pan!" He flew down to our level. "No buts. You know the rules. The first one to find and claim the treasure map... gets to be the leader. And that's you. And you can come, too, if you want." He added, looking at Rachel.

"Leader?" I repeated. 

"Of the expatition!" "Uhh, we're goin' on a treasure hunt. And that's our map you got!" A tiny girl flew up in front of the boy, Pan. "Whaddaya mean?" He asked her. "I never said girls can't be part of the gang. C'mon, Tink, the more the merrier!" "I'm sorry, but I have something else I need to take care of. Here, you keep it." She nodded, but then Pan said. "Too bad... but rules are rules. I guess we'll just have to call off the treasure hunt." 

The children's expressions saddened. "Alright, you win. I'll join you for one 'expatition'." 

~Rachel's POV~

Aqua pointed to a spot on the map. "As far as I can tell, we're here. And this mark here is where we'll find the treasure." "Enough pointin'! C'mon, let's go!"

"Wait a second. We still don't even know our leader's name! I'm Peter Pan. The jealous one over here is Tinkerbell. And you are?" "Aqua, and this is Rachel." "So you're Aqua!" "Huh?" 

"Now, first stop-- Mermaid Lagoon!" "Oh, okay." Aqua lead us to wherever it was we were going, and then there was a voice. "I have you now, Peter Pan! Today is the day I shall be rid of you forever!" "I'm busy right now, Hook. We're on an expatition. Can't I show you up some other day?" "You'll show me up now! Give back me treasure!" "Who's that?" "Aw, that's just Captain Hook. He's a two-bit pirate codfish."

"I'll cleave you into two bits, boy! Smee!" A minute later, a cannon was fired in my direction, and Aqua shielded me. "Are you okay?" Uh-huh." "We're sitting ducks out here." She realized. "Run!" We all got to safety, and one of the boys-- one in a bear costume-- stared up at the top of the waterfall. "What's wrong?" The woman asked him. "The mark on the map points all the way up there."

"Aww, relax." Said Peter. A little pixie dust, and we'll be there in a jiffy." "But... we've never had to flied that high before!" "What if we fall?" "Hey, when did you two turn into cowards?" 

"Don't you think you're asking a bit much of them?" "This is between me and them, Aqua. Men, only the bravest of the brave can claim that treasure." "Yeah, we know..." "Tink, if you would. We haven't got all day!" She floated up, and I suddenly felt lighter. "You ready?" Aqua asked. I nodded, and we flew up to the waterfall, and landed on the cliff. "Hey, aren't we back where we started?" 

"Ya mean we went all the way around Never Land for nothin'?" "Well ya conquered all sorts of obstacles to get here." Peter pointed out. "And to me, that's certainly not nothin'."

"You know, I had you all wrong. You were just looking out for them back there. Being a good leader." "Yeah, of course I was." 

"You're too late, Peter Pan! I'll be takin' what's mine now!" "It's Hook!" "Smee, secure me treasure." He opened it, and let out a startled cry. "What is it now?" "C-c-cap'n, it's the treasure. It's b-been..." "Spit it out, you idiot!" Hook peered inside. "Odd's fish! It's all junk!"

"Whaddaya mean, junk? Those are our treasures, Hook!" "But what did you do with my treasure?" "Oh," The boy in the bear costume said. "We losted it all." "You what!? You scurvy brats have crossed me for the last time! Hmm? What's that? That sound... Not you again!" A crocodile was just above the surface of the water, staring at Hook. "No, get away from me! Smee! Do something!" They ran off.

We looked in the chest, and found dented wooden swords, and a wooden Keyblade, with the name "Terra" scribbled on it. Aqua picked it up. "Is this..." "Oh, Ventus left that here. I guess it's a special keepsake or somethin'. But don't worry about him. He said he would be alright without it. And then he promised to visit us again with even better treasures-- maybe enough to fill a hundred treasure chests." "Ven...? He was here... And someone else."

"What's the matter?" One of the boys asked. "It's nothing. Best that you stay here. You too, Rachel."

~Aqua's POV~

I raced back to the campsite, looking around frantically, until I heard a familiar voice. "So, have a good time hanging out with the kiddies?" Turning around, I found myself facing the masked boy, who carried Ven's wooden Keyblade. "How'd you get that?"

"I think that kid's outgrown such a childish toy,  if you ask my opinion." He snapped it in half, and tossed it aside. "Just like I've outgrown my need for you."

"You freak!" We battled for what felt like forever, and he landed on his back with a heavy thump, his Keyblade falling behind him. My knees collapsed, and I looked at him again. "I've done it... He's... finally... finished..." I got back up, and fell back down after a single step, now lying down. "Ven, Terra... You can rest easy." 

Then it just... went dark, and I remember having dreams of my time with Terra and Ven. Rachel, too.

"...Aqua? Aqua!" I opened my eyes. Peter was staring down at me, looking concerned, and Rachel was behind him. "Are you alright? What happened?" "I'm fine." Rachel looked even more concerned, as I slowly got to my feet. Peter's gaze shifted. "Oh no! Look at Ven's treasure!" 

"It's okay, Peter. Whatever it is that binds us together isn't going to break so easily... and that's our real treasure. I think Ventus knew that. That's why he left this behind." "You must really be close. And that's somethin' pretty special. You, Ventus, Rachel... and Terra, was it? One day, you should all come back!" "I'd like that." 

~Rachel's POV~

Treasures like that sure do bring back memories. They can be... anything, really.

A wooden Keyblade, a star-shaped charm.

A broken seashell...

Once Upon A Destiny (A Kingdom Hearts, Destinies Intertwined Prequel)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن