Chapter eight: How To Save A Puppet

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What if... he's still in there?

So she closed her eyes, ignored everything else, and dove in to search for Riku. Rachel pushed through Ansem's darkness, until she came across Riku's nearly comatose heart, withering away from the darkness inside him.

Can you hear me? Rachel asked, If you're still in there, say something!

Huh...? What's...

Riku! Oh, thank goodness. I wasn't sure I would be able to get through to you. You're body is being controlled by a man named Ansem, and... it's been transformed.

I know that... What about Sora and Kairi? Are they safe?

Kairi's awake, but... it cost Sora his heart. He disappeared.

What!? Tell me-- what am I supposed to do to help them? 

You have to fight back against Ansem. It might be hard, but he's about to attack Kairi. Fight back as hard as you can. 

But how... I'm not strong enough. I can't. 

Trust me, okay? Your friends are in trouble, you have to try!

...Silence. And then--

Okay. I'll try.

Rachel opened her eyes.

Ansem, who had changed the appearance of Riku's body, seemed to be struggling. 

"Impossible..." He muttered.

A glowing, almost transparent figure appeared, throwing his arms out to hold back his possessor.

"No. You won't... use me for this!"

"Riku!" Kairi said. 

"You've gotta run!" Riku warned. "The Heartless are coming!"

Then Rachel felt her knees collapse, and everything went dark. 

Ryan wasn't quick enough to catch her before she fell. He scooped her up, and follow Kairi, Donald, and Goofy as they ran from the Heartless.

But one had followed them. It didn't really do much, other than take in its surroundings. Donald bonked it on the head with his staff. "Confounded Heartless! Get lost, will ya?" 

"...Sora?" Kairi whispered. "Is that you?"

Shadows surrounded them, and the girl planted herself in front of Sora.

"This time, I'll protect you." There was a flash as they attacked and she threw her arms around him.

When it faded, a boy in red had his arms wrapped around her in a tight hug.

"Kairi, thank you."

He looked around, eyes landing on the sleeping girl.

"What happened?" Sora asked.

"Rachel used all her strength to reach Riku's heart, and convinced him to fight back against Ansem. So, do you think when we head back to Traverse Town, I could catch a ride on your ship?"

Sora thumped himself on the chest. "Sure!" 

Ryan gently laid his sister down in bed. Copper ran over and licked her face.


"You okay?" Ryan asked.

Rachel sat up. "Is everyone..."

"Kairi's light brought Sora back, if that's what you're worried about."

He'd hit the mark. But it wasn't just Sora she was worried about. It was the world's fates. 

Riku's fate.

"Do you think maybe... we could try to help?"

"Are you up for that?" he still looked worried.

"I'm fine. C'mon." Rachel insisted.

"All right. If you're that determined, then let's go."

Hold on, Riku. We're coming.

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