Chapter 15: Fight For Change (Tournament Part 2)

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Members of the NNC along with their president travelled to the capital's Congress House to argue the implementation of licensed training grounds for villagers. The room was white with wooden desks and chairs organized in a semi-circle along the curved wall. Zayd sat next to Lady Nas and her other patrons. They took seats in the center while the senators sat around them. In the balconies above were other noble representatives. The room was decorated with the flags bearing the crests of the three great noble families and the royal family, and above all was the flag of Norlyn. 

The senators read the proposal then gave their thoughts on the dangers of dismissing the law which forbade magic until the academy.

"I agree," Lady Nas responded. "It would prove careless to do away with the rule completely, but while the upper-class can afford to build training grounds and have them licensed, the working class must wait until they arrive at the academy and are set ten steps back as a result. By introducing public grounds into villages, this would improve their abilities early on and in turn advance guard and military strength."

"While the working class is unable to practice magic prior to the academy, they are able to study. They have plenty already to retain from their texts."

"If you turn over to page 3 of the document I have provided, you shall see the top students in Orhem Academy's first year from the working class of the past five years. The present year's placement belongs to Ayla Nkri of Belcrest. She received five of six stars and received 1's across her exams. While she places first among the students I have offered subsidy, she places sixteenth in the first year. Orhem does not only test your ability to retain information. As you turn your attention to the classes she did, the one she received no top placement in was the practical elemental class. Her scores are near perfect in her lecture classes..."

"According to your document Lady Nas, she uses elemental and advanced magic. While she did not make the top tier for elemental magic, she did for advance."

"I appreciate your interruption, Sir. The point I was approaching was that for some time she was trained by a noble."

Zayd stood.

Lady Nas continued, "Sir Zayd, the heir to the House of Cormill: a noble who has trained with advanced magic since he was three years young, a prodigy in advanced combat for his exceptional magical promise in advance. With this extra attention, Ayla of Belcrerst was able to excel further in her magical abilities. She aspires to work for our military. Helping our warriors, helps our country. Given if more of the working class were given this opportunity, they too would excel in their magical abilities."

Whispers fluttered in the crowd as Zayd sat.

A senator cleared his throat. "This is the case of one child. Implementing public grounds would attract commoners who aspire to become warriors but also, those who do not."

"And this, in turn, causes a decline in the number of warriors," another senator added. "We have enough trouble with only 30% defending while so many turn to a life of thuggery. They will use these grounds to own their skills and ravage our Houses."

The Lady paused for a moment. "The fear you have is understandable. By giving the working class the freedom to train without attending academies, some will not attend at all. However, having those who are passionate about defense, results in a stronger military. Having raised this topic many times before, it has never proved more urgent that we begin implementation immediately."

"And why so?"

"In taking charge of the exchange program between our students and Arcus', I have witnessed why Arcus proves so successful in their magic being allowed to review their curriculum, which I provided a copy of on page 21. It is a given fact we have warriors far surpassing that of Arcus in quantity, but it is also a fact even then they surpass us in quality. This is illustrated in the ratio of warriors we send to Arcus to what Arcus sends to Norlyn, page 15. The little troops Arcus has, trumps us fifteen times over. Reasons why we have now allowed Arcus professors into our academies and acrions. And I heed you not rely on Arcus for strength that we become so dependent on another country for power as Oldyn now depends on us. This exposes us to our enemies and announces to our allies our weakness and how they may exploit the flaws we refuse to nurse."

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