Chapter 24: Hidden Details

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Reyes leaned against the bookshelf reading a book in Lady Nas' office. Sonali sat before the Lady, leaving the seat empty next to her for Zayd.

It was going to be unbearably boring if the silence had continued any longer but luckily Zayd finally arrived. He turned to Reyes as though he sensed the crooked smile on his face. It was fun to see his brows tighten and his gaze fix on his target. Even his voice was fun. It was deeper, heavier, like thunder. "Where is it?"

"Where is what?" Reyes shrugged.

Zayd was not amused.

"You have been in such an awful mood all semester, I only wanted to play a game."

"You gave your word you would assist in the case. Stop your messing around."

Reyes raised a finger before Zayd's face. "What speaks the truth if you look hard enough and lights the dark when the light's been good enough?"

"Here," Lady Nas called, pulling Zayd's attention to the stone sitting on her desk in a glass jar. "It is a fluorescent stone."

"Now why do that?" Reyes whined, leaning off the wall. "He was nearly ready to hit me."

Zayd pushed Reyes back into the wall. "Are you ready to explain?"

"Not yet."

"Stop teasing him, Sir. Tell him what we are doing. You should not have taken it in the first place without him knowing," Sonali's voice trailed off.

Reyes turned the book around so that Zayd could see the drawing of the rock. "It is a river stone from the glowing river of Zoi in Arcus. Oreon stones soaks in sunlight during the day and purifies and lights the water during the nights. This stone shall validate your presence as well and more."

"You could have asked me for it."

"I did."

Zayd made his way to the seat next to Sonali.

Reyes continued, "The rock has many truths to tell from its properties and I needed the Lady to have it before you could further destroy the evidence. We need word from Ayla, but if her lover decides to continue visiting her, eventually he too shall be forbidden. Not just him, but they may stop anyone from visiting."

"He wrote me back," Zayd told Reyes. "He is already banned."

"That woman... your mother is the most..." Reyes drew his hands down his face, releasing his frustration in a heavy sigh. "Excuse me." He left the office.

Lady Cormill was moving fast and he had to move faster. He had to predict her movements and prepare for her reaction when she would finally learn that Ayla had information that the king and nobility needed. He would need to pull off the perfect bargain with the least casualties.

He had known Cormill to be a formidable opponent and had tried to discourage Zayd from going against them but he was set on it. All Reyes could have done at the time was lend his assistance and hope that it was enough to get them in and out of Arcus. But being trapped there was beyond any of their foresights.

It didn't matter to him one way or the other if Ayla was free or captive. But it bothered Zayd. It bothered Zayd so much that Reyes had no choice but to offer up his help again. Afterall, knowing Cormill to be a formidable opponent, he should've planned ahead better. Prepare for the impossible before it could take form. He should have prepared for every possible outcome because now— now Zayd was upset. This time, Reyes would make sure he covered all of his bases.

He was pleased to see even Phina was worried for Zayd. Knowing Zayd wouldn't go with her, she had set tickets aside for him to attend a magic show with Sonali instead. Too bad she had not seen beyond and realized a water show would upset him further. Reyes couldn't bring himself to point out the obvious flaw in her generosity, he needed to see her fail.

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