Chapter 8: Snakes and Lions

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Lady Cormill had known how important it was for her son to be brought up around the right people. Her dearest friend was of the House of Euleus. Being wife to the second son of the previous heir to Euleus, she was not a part of the main House. As a result, she was titled by her first name, "Lady Siena", rather than by her surname, which was reserved for the heads of Houses.

Apart from being members of a great noble house, Euleus Ladies were known for their magical prowess and their elegance, each being groomed from birth for their selected husband. Lady Siena brought her third daughter to meet Zayd for the first time when they were four years young. It took time for them to grow on each other, but they could not avoid each other being in the same classes at acrion and being forced to mingle while their mothers had tea each week in the garden.

As the years went by, Zayd was pulled in different directions by different girls while Phina lingered in his ear, relationship after relationship.

When he gave up on finding his own bride for the fourth time, Zayd asked his mother to find one of her own choosing. But she saw no reason for him to rush. He was only fifteen and knew nothing of love but in his tired eyes, he had experienced all the heartbreak and betrayal in the world. She had bride requests in piles but she was not ready to accept anyone, keeping her hopes up that he would find someone for himself. Afterall, Cormill and Euleus had different priorities.

Months of self pity ended with him moving on to the governor's daughter. She was of distant royalty. She could relate to him easily having had her fair share of men showing interest in her for her status. She needed someone on her level. Her strong mindedness and independence drew him to her.

"You were certain the previous Lady was your fit too," Phina reminded Zayd. She sat next to him in the training room. "She with her friends would hound me. Apart from that she was dull. She was too good to spar until I bested her on the grounds, then she leaves you with no explanation. And I warned you she was wrong for you from start. I am telling you, this new Lady, is wrong for you too."

"She is different."

"I have heard 'different' before. The Lady who insisted you bring her a gift each time you met was 'different'. The Lady who made you drop your friends was 'different'. So by their standards, yes the new Lady is 'different' and is precisely why you should leave her."

"Perhaps one day you too you will be able to find a suitor," Zayd rested his hand atop Phina's orange head.

"She told you herself she picked you because of your status."

"She has mild trust issues is all. Don't we all?"

Zayd dismissed each of Phina's warnings and proceeded with his relationship with the governor's daughter. But even without Phina's involvement, they argued non stop and ended it a year in.

Once again, Zayd was broken. He was ready to give in but Phina encouraged him. He just hadn't found the right one yet. He had much time ahead of him and the right woman was waiting for him. She was comforting to his broken heart being consistent and unchanging in a sea of failed relationships. He could not understand why she was always there for him. Why she was so perfect. He had never listened to her. He had always been stubborn and dismissive, but when she confessed her feelings to him, his eyes were open. The right one had been before him the whole time. His soulmate. His true love.

They both enjoyed magic shows and Orhem Academy provided an endless array for them to attend after sparring sessions each evening. She had spent so many years with him that she knew what intrigued him from what made him tick. She was finally in her mother's favor, so why wasn't she happy?

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