Chapter 33: The Hunt

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To the love of my life,

I was cursed at your birth, so I may never stop worrying for you. I break apart each day I sort my letters and still find none from my only son. I only want the world for you, from before you took your first breath. But yet today, you put every and any before me.

I ask that through your act of rebellion against me, you neither neglect your studies nor your sister.

The Lady who gave you life.

Zayd folded the letter and stashed it away with the others. Lady Cormill had evolved from anger, to apologies and now she was guilting him. He would not reply. There were books as well: a spell book and novel. Ayla would find them more useful, so he set them aside for Reyes to deliver them to her. Guards were still watching Zayd's every move.

His mother cared so much about his studies that he felt tempted to ignore them just because she asked him not to—and for a second he even thought how his mother would react if he refused to visit Zoelle. But the Lady was right, Zoelle was innocent. It's not like she asked him to contact his father. Zayd would write to Zoelle and contact her via halo, but with all his duties to the NNC and supporting Ayla while juggling his studies, all while avoiding his mother, he hadn't seen his sister.

Zayd met Ayla outside the main gate, away from where the guards could see them. Her dark cloak concealed her. They walked to Grecel together, where they got a carriage to Zoelle's acrion.

Zoelle sprinted across the lawn when Ayla stepped down from the carriage. Lady Cormill would've had a fit if she had seen her daughter behave so improperly. Ayla hugged Zoelle and they immediately fell into conversation covering the entirety of their lives.

"I almost feel jealous," Zayd announced. He was ignored.

Zoelle's blonde hair fell to her waist. Her uniform was a white skirt and gold vest. The night was cold and she wore a jacket over it. She had gotten taller, now surpassing Ayla's height. Her height was one thing she had gotten from her mother. Pink eyes were one thing she did not.

"Where will you go after now?" Zoelle asked Ayla.

"Belcrest," Zayd answered quickly.

Zoelle tried to appear stern, but her face was far too soft.

Acknowledging her effort, Zayd asked, "Are you upset with me?"

"Of course I am. Did you forget you have a sister?"

"I could never."

"Then why not bring me with you to Ayla's village?"

"It is much too dangerous now. Mother would not appreciate such a trip."

"We wouldn't tell her."

"I cannot put you in such a situation."

Zoelle turned to Ayla with pleading eyes.

"It's dangerous, my Lady. Especially with the festival."

"There is a festival?" Zayd and Zoelle asked.

"The art festival is tonight."

"Oh, Ayla." Zoelle pulled Ayla's arm. "Is it not unfair to tease me? To tell me tales of the art festival then visit me the night of, yet not bring me? They wear masks. I will not be seen?"

"We will bring you back a mask," Zayd suggested. "How's that?"

"But I wish to experience it for myself. I have never walked a village."

His Hand In The ShadowsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora