Chapter 30: Reality of War

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Warriors were flooding into the hospital. A thick stench of smoke lingered among them as they carried their comrades in on stretchers. Nurses stood at the doors directing them to available rooms. "If they're dead, take 'em to the back," they said. "Two available rooms this way." Sheets were drawn over the bodies with only blood stains to show.

"That man is dead!" the nurse yelled at a warrior, dragging his comrade towards the available room.

"He's not dead!"

Ayla pushed through the crowd, and made it inside. She looked at the different faces. Half of those carried into the hospital had sheets covering them as they were taken to the back. Warriors carrying comrades with missing limbs and molted skin, argued with the nurses over available rooms. She fought back the urge to vomit as she surveyed the face of each of them. She ran up to a nurse.

"Available room, third door on the left. Take the dead to the back." She pointed. "Follow the signs."

"I'm looking for my sister, Kyarra Nkri, lieutenant of Division 3."

"Take the dead to the back," the nurse repeated.

"Woman!" she shouted.

The nurse looked at her. "Do you see how many dead we have? Check the back." Holding her ear, she stopped to listen for a moment as she got more intel. "We can take five more in room 301 A. Follow the signs."

"I'm looking for—"

"I heard!" the nurse screamed. "Everyone here is either looking for someone or they're already dead. Go take a seat there and wait for us to tally the dead. Your sister ain't no more important than the corpses we got in the back. If you can't wait, go rummage through it yourself."

Ayla looked her up and down. She wasn't even worth spitting on. She walked over to the nurse standing at the entrance to the other hallway. "I'm looking for Kyarra Nkri, D-3 lieutenant."

"Sorry, we have to get people inside. Some are in surgery as we speak and some got yet to arrive. Wait a while. One more available bed in 301 A. Take the dead to the back," she called to the incoming men. She turned back to Ayla. "Sorry."

Ayla went over to the couches where several people were already seated. Warriors that weren't in serious condition sat there waiting for further instructions. Not far away were some more couches where more warriors gathered. Some weren't even a part of the mission. They only came to see if their comrades had returned.

Hearing that the warriors had returned, villagers flocked to the hospital. When the waiting rooms began to fill, guards started to block the doors. Villagers stood by the entrances and windows, waiting to hear if their loved ones had returned. The winds were not gentle outside but they had no other choice if they wanted to see their families.

Ayla pulled her legs towards her, looking around at the drained faces. Their green and grey uniforms were stained with blood. Nurses walked by the waiting rooms offering herbs to mend the pain. They also brought herbs to calm them down, sick or not. Ayla refused. With shooting, stabbing pain running through their bodies, many accepted the pain killers. Worrying about their loved ones, they took the calmatives.

"I'm starting to believe you always look sad."

Ayla looked up at Lleth. Her first impulse was to be happy, but it lasted only a second. "How are you feeling?"

"I had an arrow in my arm. Other than that, I'm great," Lleth said calmly and sat next to her. His arm was bandaged with the blood stain growing from the open wound. His black hair was let down and he smelt of ash.

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