Chapter 43: Who

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King Nassir left Norlyn the night of the festival to reach Arcus the following day. He sat down with the king of Arcus. Both men had their royal guards waiting outside the room. A desk stood between them and the Arcusian king slid the treaty across the table to King Nassir. He read it over, page by page and began signing.

"I hear your younger brother is suspected of betraying Norlyn in conspiracy with us."

"When do you plan to remove your sleepers from my country?" Nassir signed the second page.

"When we finally agree on peace. How do you plan to keep your country a float when they cannot trust their monarch?"

"With the support of our allies, of course." Nassir looked up at the king. "Do you think me such an inexperienced king that I cannot rule? Were you not inexperienced the day after your coronation, a hundred years prior?"

The king smirked. "And you believe after your country committed a war crime against my own, that you will be able maintain your current relationship with Oldyn?"

"They returned our warriors to us recently, along with men of their own to help us rebuild the mess your troops left us. I shall ensure the security of Norlyn's relationship with both Arcus and Oldyn."

"Oldyn sent their men to Arcus as well to help rebuild the devastation your royal guards left for us after Norlyn set fire to the town of Hermes."

"So it be safe to presume that Oldyn is both our allies and our three-way alliance is secure." Nassir signed the last page of the treaty and slid it across the desk. "The malefactions of the royal guards and military, as well as the nobles shall be assessed and they shall be indoctrinated."

"And what of your young brother? Where does he fall in your plans? A traitorous royal does not... well... inspire the people."

"You seem awfully concerned with my kin," Nassir said.

Curiosity was evident on the Arcusian's face. "As allies, it intrigues me. I must know what takes place with the theories of conspiracy among my neighbors that involve my country's name."

Nassir smiled. The king was every bit what he expected him to be. Confident and direct, with an underlying sense of arrogance. "Prince Nicos being under suspicion is part of the plan as well." Nassir was familiar with all these qualities. Afterall, his father had them too and Nassir had dealt with him sufficiently.

The Arcusian king folded his arms over the table. "And the girl?"

"The girl?" Nassir's eyebrows dropped. "Just how many sleepers do you have in Norlyn? Our treaty is signed. You can tell me."

"Of course, but I also wish to have her. Unable to join the military, by your laws, she has no purpose or future in Norlyn. I propose to have her sent to Arcus. She may act as emissary between our nations."

Nassir threw his head back into a laugh with his arms crossed over his chest. "Make a fool of the young king, yes? I have you know, Your Majesty, I have altered her punishment so she now again may become a warrior after graduation. She will serve under me. I laid my hands before you from the very beginning .There is no back door to be made in this treaty." Nassir observed his fingernails, playing with the tips, several rings lined his fingers and he wore no gloves on his hands. Gloves were weaknesses. Showing your hands was strategic.

"I will give you ten million for her."

"She is not up for debate."

"I never suspected you to agree, but I thought to try my hand." The Arcusian king signed the treaty. "I never thought of you as inexperienced, King Nassir. Looking at your stalwart maneuverability, I see a general at war. At times us generals must sacrifice for the greater good. I had to keep my sleepers in Norlyn because I did not know to trust you. I trust you now to lead a country. Your country. I trust you to do what is best for your country, and so shall I for mine. You claim to show your hands but they remain in the shadows pulling strings. My sleepers will leave Norlyn soon as there is true peace between us."

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