Chapter 4: Of Many Faces

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"You have been called here today under suspicion of using black magic."

"What do you mean to say, Sir?" Ayla asked the arc mage.

"You have been accused of using black magic. Are you aware of the ramifications associated with such a crime? This is not a violation of mere school code, this is an act of mutiny against your country and your king."

Ayla stared at the man, trying to process his words. "But Sir... I would never. I am enrolled into this academy as a dark magic manipulator. Perhaps someone saw my dark magic... and thought it to be black."

"Possible, but not likely. This is a highly esteemed school. Any student that walks these halls shall surely know the difference between dark and black magic."

"But... I have never used black magic in all my years. I have never seen it... ever. Most students that go here have seen neither dark magic nor black magic before. Surely someone must have been mistaken."

"If that is the case, you should have no worries. We will be searching your room—"

"For what!"

"We look for forbidden spell books on black magic or any other forbidden magic. The search will consist of anywhere you can hide books... or pages. Investigation may also need to take some findings to the lab for further analysis."

She had worked too hard for too long for it to all be over due to a simple misunderstanding. She sank into the chair. "When?"

"They search your room as we speak. You may go after we search that satchel you hold so tightly." The arc mage stretched his hand forward and collected it. He passed it to the guard standing behind him. "You are not permitted to interfere with their investigation, so you must remain outside the room."

"Of course, Sir."

The Military Investigation Corp went through closets, books, bags and drawers of both Ayla and Stella. Stella was not allowed to enter the room to prevent evidence tampering. She stood leaning on the wall in the hallway, reading a book.

"Stella," Ayla called, walking towards the room.

She turned a page in the book and continued reading.

Ayla stood next to her, trying to come up with words to say. "I..."

"Don't say anything."

"I... don't know what to say. I don't know how this happened."

"But it did. And you know exactly why," Stella said.

"I don't."

Stella shut the book. She turned to face Ayla. Fierce and loud, she said, "Those nobles, you fool! You seem to bear the idea that you have class but you do not. Yet, you befriend the titled. You live in a fairytale in your own head if you think you'll reap anything more than disappointment and betrayal."

Ayla was bound by Stella's words. Members of the military walked through her field of vision. The investigation corp collected their belongings while warriors and street patrol guarded the area. She swore she even saw representatives of royalty recording the happenings. "I never thought this would happen. I apologize, sincerely."

"Because of you, the military goes through my undergarments at this second." Stella left down the hall.

Ayla sank to the ground, sitting on the concrete floor. She could not argue with Stella, given she spoke the truth. Zayd had led her to believe beyond her better judgement that Phina was only a mischievous soul and not a calculating, two-faced bitch. She gritted her teeth at the thought of their synergy, but she was more upset with herself for ever believing his lying words.

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