Chapter 11.2: The Blood of the People

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Dressed in his uniform and an unmarked cloak to break the frigid winds, Zayd pulled his satchel over his shoulder and climbed up on the windowsill. He jumped down two stories and landed in thick shrubbery. His mother had since tightened security at the main House upon his return so he made use of the branch-family and snuck out while his aunts and uncles had tea by the fireplace.

He stuck close to the bushes in case his mother decided to peer out her window and find him leaving the Cormill grounds. Ayla stood at the bottom of the hill, behind a tree, leaving just the hem of her coat peeping for him to notice. A golden carriage raced down the hill and stopped before him. The doors opened and Lady Cormill moved towards him with powerfully delicate steps.

"You followed me," Zayd grunted.

"Your sister lied well on your behalf. I believed you left early, but I had an inkling considering your recent endeavors."

Zoelle jumped from the other door of the carriage and ran down the hill to meet Ayla.

Her face crinkled. "What is this Zayd? Have you gone mad? A peasant girl. You know she is a peasant do you not? She tutors your sister. She lives on our land in—"

"I reserve the right to seek whomever by your own tongue."

"I gave you liberty in finding a Lady so that you may find the happiness I never did. When I allowed you this luxury I never thought it necessary to stress that marked beasts are not permitted. Why do you spit on the House of Cormill so?"

"She grants me happiness."

"Many women with great status can do that. She plots to steal the wealth you shall inherit. How blind must you be?"

He stood firm with a stern voice. "The social benefit your mother seeked, married you off to a man you see only when I return home. He cares only to groom his heir and nothing of you or Zoelle. You should be delighted I spent hours away. I presented you more time with your husband."

She raised her hand to slap him, but stopped. The day had finally arrived that she had to face a rebellious son and instead of furious words, a tear escaped the grasp she had on her emotions.

He was taken by how quickly the anger faded from him. He was the reason for her tears. But many had already suffered because of her and it wasn't just about him anymore. He was softer when he spoke, but he continued to speak regardless. "Why do you wish for me to suffer like you, mother? Would you not cast away wealth for happiness? Would you not cast away your husband so that your children may smile at you? Which is greater?"

"If I were to cast away greatness then never would you be happy."

"I have seen villagers smile with their children. I love you over cloaks and statues. I know I would be happy with only a family."

"Immaturity speaks to me. The time draws near that you will need a fiancé and you cannot waste that time seeking concubines instead. I will find you a companion."

"I will not involve myself with any Lady you dangle before me."

"You will do as I say." She called down the hill, "Zoelle! Retrieve the halo from her. It is time we go."

Zoelle did as she was asked and returned the halo to her mother.

Zayd and Ayla walked for hours into Grecel before they made their way to Aimi's house. Zayd knocked on the door. She slightly opened the door. Having recognized him, she slammed it. "Please, may I speak with you?" he asked the door.

"Get gone, now."

"I want to help you."

Dead silence. Zayd looked to Ayla. His eyes asked her, "What now?"

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