Chapter 39: Sins of Royalty

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King Lars had learned of the invasion the moment troops had crossed the Norlynian borders. Royal guards had been alerted throughout the castle and the king's personal ten were readied. He dressed for war, in golden armor with his golden flame trident. King Lars had no idea how the night would end and who would betray him.

Green armored kestrels approached from the direction of the border gate. Water guards were lined along the water bridge, ready for when the troops would approach. The royal guard's water serpents faced the troops' water dragons. Consuming the water serpents and blowing down the gate, the troops entered the castle.

Two Arcusian lieutenants cleared the courtyard with their fire dragon spell, making way for the captain. He knocked down the castle doors and troops scattered through the castle to locate the king.

"They are here, father," Prince Nicos told the king.

The king sat in his throne room, his head in his palm and his legs crossed. "What of the commander?"

"He has notified the warriors to head here, but there are reports of several attacks on noble houses. The warriors in Grecel are being shot down from a dark cloud lingering over Grecel."

"And? A battle is here—waiting to happen."

"The commander has informed us he will be sure to send them here, but why sit here and wait. Troops are swatting our royal guards."

"What do you presume? I grovel to my feet and beg for forgiveness?"

The prince pinched his forehead. "Flee to the hideout. They are searching the castle for you and they will find you here. Go to the Northern hideout where there are little Houses."


"Please, father." The prince dropped his knee to the floor. "I tease at times, but you must live, for Norlyn."

The troops and lieutenants went through the chambers and kitchens, slaughtering and demolishing. They entered the throne room and alerted the captain who accompanied them to the castle.

"Sepah, we have not located the king. We suspect he might have fled."

"Relay the message to the commander."

"Gat, sepah."

The Arcusian captain sat on the floor with his legs crossed. He rested his spear before him on the floor. "What nice floors." He rubbed his finger against the white marble until it squeaked.

He held his ear, receiving pings from the gear. "Atlas?" the commander called.

"Gat, moso."

"I alerted the troops stationed throughout Norlyn, I will give intel when the king is located. Until then, continue your search."

Captain Atlas scratched his red beard. He was crouched over with his elbow resting on his leg.

"Atlas!" the commander called.


"Did you receive my words?"

"I will continue my wait. This castle tires me with its size. I must have checked the same rooms ten times. Contact me when you find him."

"Get off your arse and—"

He disconnected the feed. The captain stared at the guard bleeding out before him from his chest, his blood still on the captain's spear. "You dead already?" he asked. He bent over to poke the man's head with his spear. With no response, he said, "He's dead." He sighed, scratching his beard.

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