Chapter 9: Fire Festival

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The villagers of Belcrest left in groups for the fire festival at various times in the morning to get to the capital before daybreak. Kyarra left her mother behind while she left for Grecel with her military comrade. She and the pink haired lieutenant stayed near the empty taverns where the offduty warriors lingered while everyone flocked to the castle. They had little interest in the castle they saw too much of during their duties.

Ayla wandered around the streets with Eris and Nash. Each stall was lit by a flaming torch hanging at its side. The scent of incense danced through the slight chill of the wind, masking the wood fire smoke. The taste of sweet roasts and skewers lingered in the air, drawing people to the stalls with watering mouths.

The capital was packed beyond capacity. The homeless lined the sides of the streets while the working class emptied the stalls of their foods and lit torches. Fire dancers performed in the midst of crowds throughout the capital for pocket change. They replaced the full pans constantly to take home plenty of coins by the night's end. Trees were strung with lanterns. The fire glowed through tinted paper, giving off colorful glows amongst the trees. While some children climbed the trees, others lingered underneath playing traditional games and singing old folk songs that their parents would teach them for the festival.

The constant movement and abundance of fire, made for a warm time during the season. Street patrol were plenty in number as they kept a lookout for unruly flames while keeping the crowd from getting too rowdy. When the castle gates opened, the crowd seeped into the courtyard by the hundreds.

The NNC used the festival to distribute food and blankets to the homeless with the savings throughout the year. Shelters distributed food to the people and voluntary patrons delivered the supplies to the shelters. Zayd had volunteered himself to do some of the deliveries during the festival.

Nobility did not engage much with the common folk and the fire festival was no exception. They entered the capital in carriages. They occupied the streets forcing the people to the sides until they were within the castle courtyard. Upon entering, Zayd excused himself from his mother and sister. He met the other patrons and took a different carriage to the shelters.

Instead of going back to the castle courtyard, Zayd decided to wander the streets and experience the festival outside of the castle gates for the first time. After walking the streets alone for a while, he spotted a familiar green coat flushed with a head of tall black hair.

Ayla sat with Eris and Nash around a bonfire roasting sausages. He came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her. She turned around. Her face lit up when she saw him, but she hid it, instantly turning back to the fire. "Welcome," she said. Eris and Nash looked at Zayd in disbelief.

He wore a white cloak with the golden lion crest of Cormill stamped across it. His blonde hair was caught back into a ponytail with a white silk tie. The ring over his fingerless gloves announced who he was without words. Eris and Nash greeted him as such.

"Are you allowed to be here?" Ayla mocked. "Nobility lingers behind the gates you know."

"I desired to see the festival for the first time. Would you escort me?"

Eris and Nash had no verbal objections but their concern was written across their faces. Ayla stood and brushed the dirt off the back of her coat from the log she had been sitting on. Zayd extended his hand to her. She avoided it and stepped over the log, almost tripping. "Stop smiling," she scolded him.

Her nose quickly picked up the scent of roasted corn. She dragged Zayd with her to the stall. The stall had souvenirs and potions, but her eyes ran to the food. Zayd's eyes wandered to the potions and he took one into his hands.

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