Chapter 40: Legendary

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With everyone staring at Reyes, Phina finally asked, "Why all the lies? Is the night so boring to you?"

"For once, this is truth."

"So..." Phina looked at him, puzzled. Her face tightened with thought or anger. "So then..."

"So then you were right to suspect me when you did," Reyes added.

Everyone was silent. Phina took a step closer to Reyes. "I was right."

"You were wrong. But close."

"So what then? You thought if you were to upset me, I would explore your origins further?"

"Euleus has the means. You possess a tendency to remove those near Sir Zayd."

"So that is our basis? Keep me close for your own heedless reasons?"

"You stay by me to be closer to Sir Zayd, so aren't we both winners?"

"A game is all you think of me?" Phina took another step closer to Reyes. "You knew I would 'remove' threats. You falsified our relationship to keep me from you. You fear me."

Reyes smiled a smile that none could read. "I feigned affinity to protect you. It was either keep you close, or kill you. Affiliation with a Euleus female is bonus points at Orhem. You were more valuable alive."

Phina drew her sword and fire consumed its blade. In a rage, she sliced Reyes' chest open, she thought she did—she wished she did. Ayla stood before Reyes. Zayd was holding Phina, his fingers closed around her wrists and he took her sword, but he didn't release her. Phina screamed at him. "You think I could die so easily? Your'e weak! I will kill you tonight."

Ayla returned to Reyes' side, holding him up.

Phina asked him softly, "Is that really all you think of me? A game!"

His eyes wandered up to the stars. "Was it not fun? Using me? On the positive end of the king's passing, my Lady, I can finally tell you what a dreadful personality you have. I have no need to wait another year and a half. You are the most ruthless person I know. I lie. The second most. But still an accomplishment. I only regret that I will not be around to see your transgressions finally catch you."

Zayd released Phina and she straightened. "Do not speak as though you are saintly, Sir. You followed behind everything I did."

"I do not see myself purely, I never cared to be.Tell me who you thought set it so that you could face off a royal after you battled Lady Sonali in the tourney? I was ready to kill you then when you burned her, but she begged that I not fight you myself."

Her brows inverted. "Just how many times have you spoken truthful words in your lifetime?"

"The serpent calls the snake sly."

"Did you know this?" Phina asked Zayd.

His eyes were affixed on Reyes who avoided them desperately.

Phina's eyes slipped by him and fell into the crowd when she noticed a familiar face. She called to the woman.

The servant's face was sorrowful, her skin and clothes covered in ash. She bowed. "Lady Phina. Sirs and Lady."

"She is not a Lady." Phina pointed at Ayla. "Why do you look a mess? I need you to bring me home. Now."

"Lady Phina... your mother."

"And what of her?"

"Please, we should go inside." She eyed the hospital.

Phina softed and she looked over at Zayd, her eyes quivering, a silent request.

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