◘step five

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"Fate is inevitable."

 • • • • • • • • • •

Holy shit. Holy fuck. Holy cheese balls. Holy... 

Niall stared wide eyed at Zayn Malik, his new History teacher.

Could I get any luckier? 

Zayn stared back at him, he looked shocked too but he masked it immediately and kept a poker face. He cleared his throat and spoke.

"Well, if it wouldn't be such a bother to you, can you go and take your seat? Or would you like to stay there on the door frame for the rest of the class?"

Niall opened and closed his mouth, trying to find something to say but in the end he only ended up with a weak "Sorry sir."

He took his seat next to Ashton who looked at him confused. 

'What was that?' the lad mouthed to him and he whispered a small "later."

He looked at the front where Zayn is standing, looking at him with eyebrows ceased. Niall mentally rolled his eyes and looked at everywhere but him, thinking how obvious Zayn is.

Zayn started his lecture and Niall weren't listening. He's more concerned about worrying what will happen now. He feels very awkward and like everyone's looking at him because they know he snogged their History teacher. He kept on glancing at Zayn and sighing which made Ashton look at him in worry again.

What kind of bad luck is this? Argh, this is so stupiiiid! Why does he have to be our new teacher? Fuck. This is really, really awkward. How come this guy is a History teacher anyway? How old is he? Is he in his early or late twenties? Fuck, what if he's already in his thirties?

Gooood. I don't even fucking care if he's like a History teacher in his fifties. What I'm really pissed off about right now is there are millions of public high schools in London and he decided to work here, in MY high school.

Like fine, it's okay because maybe he decided to live in this town but there are two public schools here. Why my school? Whyyy?! Why-

His monologue was stopped by a kinda hard nudge on his side. He turned to Ashton to question him why he did that but he heard his name being called by, of course, none other than Mr. Zayn Malik himself.

"Mr. Horan, are you now out of your la la la land?"

He bit his lip and turned to the front where Zayn is standing, poker faced.

"Uhh, yes?"

He heard his classmates laugh which made him bit his lip more which, he thinks, made Zayn uncomfortable seeing as how he suddenly bit his lip too.

So I still have an effect on him, huh? Niall thought.

"I'll repeat my question for the fifth time Niall, who is Pocahontas?"


"Well uh, Matoaka also known as uhm Pocahontas was a daughter of Pownhatan, then the ruler of Virginia. Like, tribes. She became famous because she saved Englishmen, particularly John Smith from being killed by her father? Uhm, yepp."

Fuck, I messed that up didn't I? So many 'uhms', the fuck Niall?

Zayn nodded, satisfied with Niall's answer. Niall's friends looked at him though, puzzled, Niall never stumbled with his words. Niall is just not like that kind of student. He's like really good with school not excluding History. But all Niall could think right now is how stupid he must've looked like earlier.

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