step fifteen

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"People used to think that I was a monster. And for a long time... I believe them. But after a while, you learn to ignore the names people calling you. You just trust who you are." -Shrek
Like Louis' plan, Niall stalked Mr. Malik for the fourth time in the fourth day. He can't believe he's doing this again, to be honest. If he only have other choices...

Fuck. What did you get yourself into Niall?

He cruised around town, waiting until Mr. Malik stopped by a shop or disappear on him again but neither happened. Instead, they drove through at the outskirts of town until they're almost at the boundary of the their town and the next one.

I think I know now where he's going.

He slowed down by that time, careful not to be as suspicious as he can. There are only a few cars passing by and it would be noticeable if a certain one just keeps on driving behind you and not over-taking your car when you're driving far too slow.

And Mr. Malik is driving slow. It seemed like he's enjoying the scenery.

What a sap.

Niall waited for twenty minutes before pulling up on the same spot he always park his car. For some odd reason that Niall cannot fathom, his heart beat suddenly quickened and his forehead is sweating. He also feels like there's something that will happen. He just know it. Whether good or bad, that he doesn't know.

He started to walk inside the forest quietly because he doesn't want to disturb the calm aura of his surrounding. He wish he can be that calm too.

He reached the open area and saw smoke coming from the back of the big rock him and Zayn usually lean on.


He walked towards it and like what he expected, it's his History teacher. He looked at Niall surprised but immediately hid it.

"You're here."

Niall pursed his lips and gulped, Zayn sounds cold. "Y-yeah."

They were both silent after that- Zayn puffing out smoke while Niall looked at him with huge interest. He noticed how long and thick the older lad's eyelashes are. He started to think if sometimes the man thought of flying using those eyelashes as his wings...

Wait what.

He shook his head and rolled his eyes, thinking how someone like him can have such stupid thoughts. He figured that this is Zayn's effect on him; he can make Niall stupid.

Niall doesn't like stupid.

He stared at Zayn again, watching how the cigarette is held in between his pink, thin lips. What if it's not a cigarette that is in between his lips? What if it's a complete different thing he is dragging in and out of his mouth?

What if it is my dick?

Niall chuckled loudly at that thought.

Now that is something that I would have thought.

"Quit staring, it's rude. Especially if you're gonna laugh after doing it. You've already pissed me too much for this day Mr. Horan."

Niall flinched at Zayn's harsh tone. "What are you talking about?"

Zayn turned to him, glaring. "What am I talking about? Oh, I don't know. Why don't you ask yourself? What am I talking about?"

"Well, excuse me if I don't know what you're talking about. I'm no Sherlock Holmes here as you can see, I cannot always solve your puzzles!"

Zayn suddenly dropped the stick of fag on the ground and gripped his shoulders tightly instead.

"Well let's just say that I've been watching you earlier in your Music class."

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