step 16

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"'Cause you had a bad day, you're taking one down. You sing a sad song just to turn it around. You say you don't know, you tell me don't lie. You work at a smile and you go for a ride."


Niall's mouth opened and closed, like a fish out of water. He doesn't want to tell truth but he also threw away the idea of lying. Telling a lie to Harry means double trouble and he doesn't want to get in trouble more than he already is.

"W-well what do you think it is?" He asked the curly haired lad.

Harry closed his eyes- because of irritation, anger or annoyance- Niall doesn't know. He crumpled the paper on his hands and pursed his lips before he started to walk out of the blonde's room. Niall was quick, he immediately reached out to stop Harry but the other lad turned away before even the tip of Niall's fingers touch him.


"No- please. Just don't."

He started to walk away again but he stopped and faced Niall again. "You're really something else, aren't you? Disappointed Niall. I'm very disappointed."

He threw away the crumpled paper that landed under Niall's desk and exited the room leaving Niall shedding out a few tears.

Niall put his hands on his hips and sighed deeply. He wiped away his tears, not wanting to look miserable for school tomorrow. He sat on his bed and contacted Ashton, he needs his best friend right now.

First ring,

Second ring,

Third ring,

Fourth ring,

Fifth ring.

"Sorry the number you have dialled is currently unattended."

Niall tried again but Ashton didn't answer. He sighed again before he threw his phone on the bed deciding to take a shower instead.

2:14 am.

Niall's eyebrows furrowed when he woke up by the sound of his phone ringing beside his head. He looked at the digital clock on his bed side table and read the time; 2:14 am.

Who the hell would be calling me at this time?

He groaned, thinking of not answering it. He wasn't able to fall asleep the whole night because of his dilemma about Harry and Zayn until thirty minutes ago and now he's woken up by a freaking phone call in the middle of the night. But his phone kept on ringing, and his head is full of depressing thoughts again.

Why not answer? Perhaps it's an emergency. 

He didn't bother to look at the caller ID, he can't bear the light coming off from his phone so he just swiped on the screen with  his eyes still close and croak out a weak, "Hey."

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