◘step 8

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"The world is ours. If we want it, we can take it if you just take my hand. There's no turning back now."

• • • • • • • • • •

Why did I even agreed to doing this again? 

Niall placed the stack of papers on the table at the corner of the big room; the faculty room to be exact. The teachers at their school have their own office but during lunch time (like right now) they all gather in that big faculty room to discuss 'things'. Other people who are not professors but works in the school (like assistants, guidance coordinator, etc) also resides here.

And it's very chaotic here for Niall.

If it wasn't for that bet, he wouldn't be here. He would be somewhere out there, spending lunch with Ashton or reading in the library or smoking at the back of school but no. Instead, he have to raise his hand earlier to Mr. Holfmann's class and volunteer to help him with paper works this lunch for extra credits (and may or may not be also because he needs to get noticed by Mr. Malik.)

It was never hard for Niall to get people notice him, but Mr. Malik proved to be an exception. It was Monday and he have his first period with the older lad and he didn't even threw a glance at Niall. If he was so into Niall before, now he's not. And Niall thinks it's because of the fact that he is Zayn's student.

But I know he wants me. Oh I so know it. Why can't he just look at me even once? At least acknowledge my presence ugh. 

"Hello Mr. Horan, here for extra credits I see. Are you having any problems with Mr. Holfmann's class?" Ms. Johnson said as she entered the room and saw Niall.

Niall smiled at her cheerfully. "Oh no, Ma'am. Just thought it would add up to my grades you know? Must always take opportunities if it knocks on your door."

Ms. Johnson laughed lightly. "Well, that's very excellent of you Niall. Excuse me now young lad, I have to talk with Mrs. Reyes."

And the woman walked off. Niall likes her. No, Niall likes every teacher here in their school except Mr. Payne and that's mainly because Mr. Payne also don't like him. Like what mentioned earlier, Niall always manages to charm his way to other teacher's hearts except Liam. And he doesn't even know why the man dislikes him.

He shrugged at his thoughts. Not the time, need to concentrate on all this works. 

He walked towards Mr. Holfmann's desk, not realizing that Zayn is there talking with the Mr. Holfmann.

"Mr-, oh sorry. Am I interrupting something?" Niall asked.

Zayn just looked at him while Mr. Holfmann chuckled. "Oh not at all Niall. Are you done with those stacks of papers?"

Niall nodded. "Yes. I'm actually just gonna ask you if I could take those another stack of papers so I can continue."

Mr. Holfmann was about to answer when Zayn spoke. "Aren't you gonna have lunch Mr. Horan? You've been here since the start of lunch."

Niall smiled internally, finally. 

"No, I'm fine Mr. Malik. I need these extra credits anyway."

Their talk was interrupted when Liam suddenly talked behind Niall. "Oh, having some problems with Chemistry aye?"

Mr. Holfman gave another chuckle. "Oh no Mr. Payne. It's completely the opposite. Niall just wants to make his already better grade better."

Liam raised his left eyebrow, amused. "Oh really? Well Niall, why don't you volunteer to help as well to have extra credits for my subject? Since you're actually having trouble with mine..."

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