◘step 10

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"Quit playing games with my heart. ♪♪" 

• • • • • • • • • •  

"I saw that!"

Luke and Michael exclaimed right after their period with Mr. Payne. They clapped Niall at the back, even Louis, saying he did well- whether he did well on singing or he did well on making a move on Mr. Malik by having an intense stare battle with him earlier, he doesn't know.

"What did you see?" Harry asked, frowning. Niall mentally cursed Luke and Michael.

"They saw me staring at you. They think I'm such a baby." Niall immediately answered. Because no, he wouldn't let these idiots get him into trouble.

Ashton cleared his throat and continued to walk, staring straight ahead. Oh God please, no. Niall wish Ashton will be quiet, he wish Luke and Louis will caught on, and he wish Michael woudn't be an idiot for once. His wish was granted.

"I'm just cheering on him guys," Harry said, still frowning.

Louis laughed very fakely, "Yeah, we understand. Just teasing Niall, 's all."

"You should get going Haz, we still have two more periods. I'll see you later." Niall dismissed Harry, if the curly-haired lad will stay any longer who knows what might come out of his friends' mouths?

Harry shrugged. "I should. See you later guys, Ni."

He left. And Niall let out a breathe he didn't even know he was holding in. He glared at the three. "You guys, be careful! Do you know what will Harry do if he found out about this?"

Louis scoffed, "He'll go ballistic."

Luke nodded his head, "He'll go psycho."

Michael's eyes widen, "He'll cut off your balls!"

Niall looked at Micahel weirdly, "Okay maybe not to that extent Mikey," or at least he hopes not to that extent, "but yes probably he'll go ballistic or psycho or whatever. He'll get mad okay? So just shut your holes whenever he's around."

The three boys agreed while Ashton kept silent and Niall prayed, really really prayed, Ashton will keep his mouth shut too.


The bell rung, signalling the end of the day. Niall got up immediately from his seat and walked out of the classroom together with Ashton.

"Hey Ash?"


"You wouldn't tell Harry, would you?"

Ashton looked at him for a second before looking straight ahead. They're both silent for a while until Ashton spoke.

"I don't know. Do I have to?"

Niall frowned at Ashton'swords but when he realized what his bestfriend meant by that, a form grew on his face. "Yey! Thank you so much!"

Ashton just chuckled. "You staying?"

Niall nodded. "Yeah, I have to study on Calculus. Ugh, I really wish we're on the same class when it's Calculus I swear that subject makes me go nuts. And you wouldn't even help me!"

Ashon tapped his right cheek softly, smiling. "You're Niall the great right? You can do it!"

"Yeah yeah. Just because you're good at Calc. Don't ask for my help when it comes to History or English, I'll turn you down. Even if you offer to pay my lunch for three days."

"Even if for, let's say, a week?"

"Even if you pay my lunch for a week."

"What about two weeks?"

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