step 22

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"Love is like a puzzle. First it's confusing and frustrating, but when you figure it out, it's a beautiful thing."


"Niall!" Niall turned around only to be jumped by Louis.

"Ugh, Lou, get off me you rascal!" He groaned, the boy's quite heavy for his height to be honest.

"Sorry! I'm just really excited!"

Niall frowned, straightening his shirt. "For what?"

"Duh Ni, how could you forgot? Next week's the annual campfire, remember?"

He blinked before finally realizing what Louis is talking about. "Oh yeah, I forgot. Everyone coming?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't they?"

"Good, because I'm not and I don't want anyone pestering me while I'm sleeping peacefully on my fluffy and very comfy bed."

Louis gasped, his eyes going smaller. "You dickhead!"

Niall ran away from him, laughing.

"Hey, what're you gonna do?"

Niall looked at Louis, "I'm gonna go recite a poem Louis. Because this is Music class and we're obviously required to recite a- ow!"

He didn't even get to finish his sentence when Louis smacked him on the back of his head. "Why did 'ya do that for?"

"You've been a plain dick since this morning, why wouldn't I do that?"

They're both inside the theatre room right now, waiting for their turn. It's Music class and 10 students have already performed.

"Stop bickering, Mr. Payne might get irritated and shout at you." Ashton warned, not looking at either of them.

Niall stared at the back of Ashton's head for quite some time before Louis elbowed him. When he turned to the him, Louis only rolled his eyes. "Pathetic, Niall." Louis whispered to him.

It's been weeks yet Ashton still haven't talked to him. He's getting worried. This, by far, is the longest fight they had and it makes Niall very uncomfortable. He kept on wondering why Ashton is being very stubborn. Why can't the lad understand that the kiss he had with Mr. Malik in the library was just a spur of the moment thing? Why can't he understand that Niall won't do it again?

It's frustrating the blonde lad.

"He's singing while we play," Luke suddenly said to answer Louis' earlier question that got brushed off.

"Really? Niall I want to collaborate too! Let's sing together next time, yeah?"

Niall thought about how Louis has one of the most amazing voice he heard and how awesome would it be to sing with him and he smiled, nodding his head. "Sure. I'd love that."

After a few minutes, Niall's group was called on stage. It consists of him as the lead vocals, Luke as vocals/guitar, Michael vocals/guitar, Calum vocals/bass guitar and Ashton in drums. It's a weird group of students to be honest; a popular kid who likes to get in trouble and is also the smartest kid in school, a drug addict, a stupid and dumb kid, a nerd who's also a loser and the popular kid's best friend who's also popular and smart but is a little snobbish.

Niall opened his mouth, about to say something but decided against it. Instead, he looked around the whole room and out of all the people in there, his eyes stayed on the same person. And right there and there, Niall realized how captivated he is by him. It made him anxious and agitated but at the same time excited and thrilled. He nodded at the other boys, signalling for them to start, his eyes still on him.

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