step 26

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"Where have you been? Haven't seen you the whole weekend."

Niall's face immediately heat up when he remembered his a-not-so-uneventful weekend. He turned away from his best friend, Ashton, as to not raise any suspicion for blushing. And because he doesn't know what to answer.

I just had a date with Zayn last Saturday, you know our History teacher? And I was so flushed and overwhelmed 'til the next day to the point that I decided to stay all day in my room.

Nope. Totally not something that Ashton would be delighted to hear.

"I'm just not up for socializing," He answered instead which earned him a confused stare by the other lad.

"You? Turning down an opportunity to socialize with other people? No way."

They turned left when they reached the end of the corridor. They're heading to the southwest building where their Advance Calculus classroom is located.

"Yeah, well, sorry for actually feeling like that. Am I not allowed?" He snapped. Even though it's not true, he hates how Ashton thinks of him.

Can't he feel like being alone for a day or two?

Ashton frowned. "Hey, man sorry. I was just kidding."

Niall rolled his eyes and just continued walking, with Ashton beside him thinking how his blonde best friend woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.

Unfortunately, this sour mood of Niall continued 'til their lunch break, which the blonde skipped for 10 minutes, before sitting on their usual table.

"Fuck Ni, you reek of cigarette." Michael commented, his face contorted due to the foul smell.

"Like Luke smell better when he smoke."

Luke looked up from his food. "Oi, oi. Don't just bring me name up in your conversations."

Niall and Michael ignored him and continued chatting, not noticing the awkward aura around their table.

Louis, who had been sitting in front of Niall, tried to give him random signals but Niall just can't get it. It was only after Michael decided to focus on his food that the blonde noticed the atmosphere.

"Uhm, okay? What?"

Louis kicked his foot under the table, which is quite hard, he looked at Louis to whine when he saw Louis' eyes giving him warning glare while his eyes turn to the person to Niall.


Of course.

"Hey, Ash. How you doing?"

"Not bad. What about you? I mean other than having lungs blacker than Louis' soul, how are you doing?"

If Louis was offended or wants to defend his black soul, no one knows. Because Niall is already flaring with annoyance.

"What's your problem?!" He seethed at Ashton.

"I don't know. Why don't you ask you and your gross hobby?!"

"What do you want?"

"Niall you promised to stop okay? And you managed to have a stick a day but now you were only gone for 10 minutes and you already smell like you've smoked five sticks!"

Calum muttered a "How can you smoke five sticks under ten minutes?" under his breath but whether someone heard that or not, no one knows since they were all pretty stiffened on their sits listening to Niall and Ashton whisper-shouting at each other.

When Niall reached the end of his string he suddenly stood up and said "You know what Ashton? Fuck off okay? Just fuck off."

He left the other boys who were boggled at Niall's sudden attitude.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2016 ⏰

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